由於供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)的重要性與日俱增,使得生產規劃與排程問題變得非常複雜。同時也造成企業舊有的管理資訊系統(如MRPⅡ),無法勝任未來的生產規劃與管理工作。而先進生產規劃與排程(Advanced Planning and Scheduling; APS)系統的目的即在於解決複雜的供應鏈規劃問題,其運用先進的管理規劃技術,在整體考量企業資源限制之下,對企業間、企業內的採購、生產與配銷運籌管理作最佳的供需平衡規劃。由此可見,APS系統在供應鏈管理中扮演著相當重要的角色。但因APS系統為一新興的資訊應用系統,無論是學術界或產業界對它的認知與期許可能有相當的差異,因此本研究將從(1)基本理論、(2)功能需求及(3)物料規劃方式等三方面,深入探討APS系統的特性。 在基本理論部分,本研究首先定義APS系統,接著剖析其規劃能力上的特色,繼而說明APS系統在企業管理資訊系統中所扮演的角色、闡述其最終規劃目標與界定其規劃範圍,最後則探討APS系統背後的規劃機制。而在功能需求部份,首先說明在供應鏈體系下,APS系統主要扮演的角色,接著定義系統的功能需求,最後提出一APS系統功能模組參考模式。在物料規劃方式方面,則分別從功能角色、規劃流桯與輸入/輸出資料等不同的角度,探討APS系統中負責物料規劃的供給規劃模組的規劃內容,且利用範例概略說明APS系統的物料規劃方式。藉本研究的深入探討,可幫助產學界對APS系統有一正確概念與深入的瞭解,以利APS系統的導入與發展。 The issues of production planning and scheduling become to be more complicated due to the increasing importance of Supply Chain Management (SCM). At the mean time, traditional MIS (e.g. MRPⅡ) cannot fulfill the requirements of effective production planning. Therefore, Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) system is promoted to solve the complex problems that planner encounter in SCM. APS employed advanced planning technology to achieve the balance between the supply and demand by optimization the management of procurement, production and distribution logistics intra or inter the enterprise. Although APS plays an important role in SCM, its scope, functions and theoretical background are still not well understood by the academic and industries. Therefore, the objective of this research is to study the characteristics of an APS from three perspectives: (1) theoretical background, (2) functional requirements and (3) material planning approaches. In this thesis, we first describe the basic theoretical background of APS (definition, characteristics, role, objective, planning scope and planning technologies). Then, a reference model of functions of APS is introduced through the explanation of the role and function requirements of APS in SCM. Finally, we study the approach of material planning in an APS and consturct an example to illustrate the performance benefit of an APS compared to the traditioanl MRP approach. Results of this provide a thouough backgroud fore the perfessionals who are interestes in develop an APS system.