Abstract: | 在這資訊爆炸的世紀末,新時代的新空間過程與形式正在浮現中;而面對即將來臨的下一世紀,也應該是我們著手重整這一代建築知識與技術的時候了。這一野心勃勃的企圖當然任務繁雜,或許幾近於一種唐˙吉軻德式不可能實現的夢想吧?然而幸運地,前人的成就就像巨人的肩膀一般,站在巨人的肩膀上,我們得以看得更遠。並且,正因為目的地非常遙遠,我們更應當及早出發。或者短期內進展有限,但是透過這樣的努力,巨人的肩膀必定會更加挺拔、更加厚實,攀登其上,來者必將發見我們今天目窮未及之處。 首先本論文藉著前人論述與設計案,嘗試建立一些觀察角度:流動空間理論洞察地指出這個世界已經傾向流動而非凝固,藉著這樣的流動,人類雖然達致前所未有的強大文明形式,但同時卻也幾乎無法掌控它,面對這樣的世界我們亟需找尋自處之道──赤裸建築即為一例。數位城市一書則熱情地帶領我們去看剛剛誕生的新空間──虛擬空間(cyber space),並且開始建立新空間與舊空間的對映關係。然而其建築類型(building type)的論敘架構,雖然因為新空間“微小化“的傾向,以致於無能為空間專業帶來任何令人振奮的願景,但卻恰好成為我們對建築類型觀念重新檢討的契機。再來是電腦應用於設計的種種嘗試──包括製圖工具、顯現工具、合成或自動設計、生產工具──正在不斷進行中。無論是扮演哪一種角色, 這強大的工具肯定將繼續、顯著地影響著建築設計的生產過程以及產品。最後經由相關設計案例的觀察,我們隱約可以發現設計者的兩種approach──物質性與抽象性。影像建築即來自於後者(抽象或反物質傾向)的一種表現方式,而超平面理論則疾呼重新探索建築的物質性(塑性)。 另一方面,在建立觀察角度的同時,設計題目也漸漸成形。整個設計工作的進行可以區分為兩部份:設計概念/關於交通的界面(trasportational interfaces)、設計方法/關於建築專業的界面(architectural interfaces)。 在設計概念/關於交通的界面,作者選取的例子是幾種Ports:車站(驛站)、火車站、港口、機場、資訊港。本設計案即在處理其中三者:汽車轉運站、機場以及資訊港(會議展覽中心)。這其中似乎也隱含新空間形式的可能性:除了完成精巧的流動系統之外,還希望它是一個place──在這繁忙的交通轉換之處,以好客的休憩之所以及隨處可得的資訊(造成流動的元兇),讓“無家可歸“的旅人們重新連上網絡、安身自處。此外,我們還要同時禮讚空間的物質性與抽象性:堪稱一景的運輸軌跡與跳動的資訊經驗。 至於設計方法/關於建築專業的界面則有三種:第一種界面是空間v.s.設計者,作者嘗試建立一種電腦輔助設計過程,主要的著眼點在於儘快、甚至是一開始就進入3D模型,因此需要交叉使用幾種軟體(FORM Z、AUTO CAD、3D Studio、Photoshop),進行圖與模型的即時轉譯,並且以VRML做為即時體驗的橋樑。第二種界面是設計者v.s.評圖老師/建築師v.s.業主(使用者)。現在的設計者與評圖老師都需要體認到,在使用電腦輔助設計之後,傳統評圖所借重的兩種工具──圖與模型,也許需要做一些改變:電腦模型搭配虛擬實境技術,將補足傳統模型無法真正“體驗“空間的缺憾;“建築圖“不等於“施工圖“,“傳統繪圖法“也不一定要一成不變,其最高指導原則在於有效溝通。同樣地,建築師與業主(使用者)之間也是類似的情況。現在許多建設公司使用3D Studio、Autocad 3D製作建築物外觀、室內空間模擬圖,就是想要與業主建立更有效、更具說服力的溝通關係。在這樣的著眼點上,雖然目前尚未成熟,但未來虛擬實境的技術必然會是主流方向。至於第三種界面則發生在設計空間與真實空間之間。當然許多建築設計在設計階段完成之後,也許就此止於一設計空間,僅存在紙上或數位資料裡面;然而當它真正要被建造的時候,就必須從設計空間轉換為真實空間。傳統上我們使用施工圖、大樣圖等等,將設計者的意思傳達給施工者,這比較像一種“代議政治“。現在利用數位工具,從數位模型直接產生生產模型到生產線上,設計者可以真正使其意志貫徹整個“建築生產過程“。在本論文設計的工作裡面,必須要照顧以上最少前兩種建築界面、在其間做轉換,因此也碰到許多不相容與困難之處。然而透過這類電腦輔助設計方法的持續發展,相信將會達到整合性更高、資源浪費更少的理想。 總結來說,在這次論文設計的探索工作裡面,我們有機會碰觸了幾個新空間的重要議題,包括類型、形式、設計/生產過程以及表達/溝通方式,可以算是一趟豐富之旅! As the world experiencing information booming at the end of the 20th centry, new spatial forms and process are emerging. Facing the next centry, it''s time to reorganize the technology and knowledge of our generation. All the strenuous tasks in this ambitious attempt should make it an impossible mission for Don Quixote. However, our predecessors have built a giant''s shoulder for us so we can look into quite a distance simply stand upon it. Moreover, for such a long distance to the goal, we must set out as soon as possible. We may not reach anywhere in such a short time, but in the long run we''ll surly make the giant''s shoulder higher and stronger for the successors to climb. First of all, to build our points of view, existing writings and practices are helpful: Space Of Flows, with great insight, points out that the world is now no more solid but fluid. By means of such vigorous fluidity, we have achieved a civilization that is stronger than ever, and in the same time can hardly control it. That''s why we need a way to put us back on our feet. The "naked architecture" is one of the examples. City of Bits welcomes us to a new born space, the cyber space, and starts to depict the contrary between it and the physical space. Although failed to excite the design profession, the author did give us the best chance to re-examine the notion of "building types". And then the successive attempts on computer aided design process ----- including using computer as drafting tool, visualizing tool and synthesis/automation/production tool. In any case this powerful tool will keep on shaping both the process and product of architectual design. Finally the case study also showed us that basically designers approach "new form" in two ways: the materialized approach and the abstract approach. Visual architecture represents the later, and the hypersurface theory stands for the former. In the mean time, the design project is forming. The whole work is about two kinds of interfaces: concept/ trasportational interfaces, and methodology/ architectural interfaces. The concep/ transportational interfaces refers to a series of different "ports" ----- they''re bus station, train station, port, airport and teleport. The project deals with three among them, the bus station, the airport, and the teleport(convention center). Possibility of new form probably is in there: a sophiscated flow system and a so called "place", where one can really take a rest half way on the trip. With hospitality and bountiful information, this place gets you once again connected to the network and makes you feel at home. Moreover, by articulating spectacular transportation routes and informational experience, we celebrating the materiality and abstractness of space. As for Methodology/ architectural interfaces, there''re three of them. Firstly, between space and designer, the author tried to set up a computer aided design process with an eye to get to 3D models as soon as possible. Therefore, we need to take the advantage of switching between quite a few softwares, i.e. FORM Z, AUTOCAD, 3D Studio, Photoshop, and so on, to do real-time translation between 2D drawings and 3D models. Then the VRML browser is adopted to "experience" the design. Secondly, between designer and his teacher/ between the architect and his client, traditional tools, drawings and models with which we exchange ideas, got to have some changes. Digital model together with virtual-reality technique has made it possible to "experience" the design. An architectural drawing is not necessarily a working drawing, and they can be very different as long as the two sides exchange ideas effectively. For the same reason, to be more persuasive to the clients, now construction companies very often use 3D Studio or Autocad to generate perspective drawings of the exterior and interior. Following this direction, virtual-reality will be the main stream in the future. The third interface lies between design space and real space. When a design is to be built, this transformation occurs. Unlike the taditional way, designers nowadays find that the building process is much more controlable with the help of computers. After all, in this exploration quite a few important issues, including building type, form, design/production process and presentation/conmunication, were touched, and made it a wonderful journey! |