Abstract: | 本研究主要以社會心理學、消費行為學以及遊憩行為學等領域所架構的理論為基礎,討論整體社會環境背景下,個體對於遊憩活動所建構的涉入概念及其組成涵構特質。研究嘗試從社會心理層面與行為層面度量遊客對於參與國內旅遊活動之遊憩涉入涵構,並探討遊客個人基本背景屬性對遊憩涉入的影響,以及遊憩涉入對於遊客評估遊憩屬性的影響,以進一步地掌握個體與遊憩屬性之間的複雜的互動關係,而為遊憩區經營管理單位於擬定相關行銷策略之參考。 研究結果顯示,遊憩涉入為一多元向度本質的涵構,某個人的涉入狀態能夠藉由社會心理與行為層面的涉入剖面所共同記述的。於個人基本屬性與遊憩涉入關係的研究方面,變異數分析的結果顯示,「性別」、「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「職業」、「教育程度」及「家庭月總收入」等基本屬性之不同分別對遊憩涉入組成構面有顯著不同,而「家中孩子數」則對於遊憩涉入組成構面沒有顯著影響。在遊憩涉入與遊憩屬性關係的研究上,單因子變異數分析的結果顯示,不同遊憩涉入特質的遊客對於選擇旅遊地點時的遊憩屬性評估是有所不同的;判別分析的結果則進一步顯示,遊憩涉入是能夠預測遊客之遊憩地點的選擇,其中「重要意義」是為最具貢獻之遊憩涉入因子,而「社交聯繫」則為最不具貢獻力的。 整體而言,本研究證實涉入為影響個體對於遊憩屬性評估與遊憩地點的選擇之有力因子,且是可以透過個體差異瞭解其本質的,為研究個體參與休閒體驗之關鍵性決定因子。而研究者並更進一步地提出相關目標市場經營的溝通策略與未來的研究方向,期使本研究結果能對未來遊憩市場策略的研擬與瞭解個體休閒行為有所助益。 Based on the theories building in the fields of social psychology, consumer and recreation behavior, this research discussed the concept of involvement an individual had for a recreational activity and the properties of its components in the context of entirely social environment. The research tried to measure the construct of recreation involvement with regard to domestic travel from both social psychological and behavioral aspects, explored the impact of touristic socio-demographic characteristics on the dimensions of recreation involvement, and understood the relationship between recreation involvement and recreation attributes evaluated, which could be for marketers to hold the sophisticated interaction between an individual and recreation attributes and for recreational service agencies to provide reference with developing marketing strategies. The results showed that recreation involvement was the multidimensional nature of the construct and its characterstics would be specified simultaneously in terms of social psychological and behavioral involvement profiles. Second, as hypothesized, through the analysis of variance, the results indicated that individual differences might affect the structure related to involvement. With the exception of the variable, the number of children being present at home, recreation involvement was found to be related to sex, age, marital status, occupation, education, income, and the differences in involvement are also significant among the groups. Third, one-way ANOVA of the factor scores confirmed that four subgroups of domestic travelers, each of which showed different recreation involvement profiles, had significant differences in evaluating recreation attributes when making recreaional trip decisions. Furthermore, through a discriminant analysis, findings revealed that recreation involvement was moderately conducive of choice of recreation setting. In the study area, the derived measure of importance-meaning was the most powerful contributor and social connection was the least one. As a whole, this research demonstrated that involvement had potential effect on individuals evaluating recreation attributes and making decisions about travel destinations, and its nature might be grasped through personal variables. Therefore, it was a critical factor to study the leisure experience. Besides, researcher also proposed communication strategies to different target markets and the directions of the future research. It hoped to contribute to drawing marketing plans and understanding certain aspects of leisure behavior in future. |