在供應鏈體系成形的推波助瀾下,企業所面臨的競爭市場亦大幅延伸且更加變動紛亂。企業為了延續其百年大計及達成營運目標,紛紛藉由資訊科技的輔助,來妥善地分配與協調企業的內部資源,以快速且有效地落實企業策略,並能快速回應顧客所需的產品及資訊。目前,大多數企業皆是依持著相同的動機緣由,而進行企業內部(或外部)的資訊系統導入(或資訊系統整合)專案。然而,企業所進行的系統導入專案往往遭受極大的阻礙,造成專案成本急劇膨脹,專案時程難以掌控,甚至面臨中止的命運;推究其緣由,企業標準軟體導入專案的關鍵點在於企業藍圖如何落實於目標系統運作中,即企業藍圖與目標系統間的對應。 針對企業標準軟體導入的關鍵點,本研究以企業資訊系統導入專案之需求分析階段為研究重點,探討企業需求如何完整正確且快速地對應至目標系統的運作上。本研究由ARIS及CIMOSA企業模型的觀點中導引出企業藍圖四構面:組織、企業任務、企業法則及資料,並結合需求管理中的物件及樹狀結構的觀念,提出動態樹狀結構需求分析方法;本方法先將企業藍圖分解成組織、企業任務、企業法則及資料等四個構面,繼而以物件樹狀結構方式進行企業藍圖四構面、既有系統及目標系統間的動態連結對應,最後達成企業藍圖與目標系統間的完整對應,並落實需求管理及專案管理於需求分析進行過程中。最後,本研究選定採購作業為範例情節,進行方法的實作與驗證,以作為爾後進行企業藍圖與目標系統間對應的參考依據。 Due to the emerging of supply chain networks, an enterprise must face a highly competitive environment. In order to achieve the business goal, an enterprise must utilize the capability of information technology. Currently, many enterprises that proceed an enterprise wide information system may face problems such as the progress of project is behind schedule and hard to control. The key success factor is highly dependent on the consistency between the proposed business blueprint and the targeted enterprise information system. The objective of this research is proposing a dynamic tree structure requirements analysis (DTSRA) approach to resolve the consistency between the proposed business blueprint and the target enterprise information system. The proposed requirements analysis approach will first decompose the enterprise blueprint into organization view, business task view, business rule view, and data view. Then, the consistency among the four views of enterprise blueprint, legacy system, and target system is proceeded by the method of object-oriented tree structure. This approach also carries out project management and requirements management in the project progress. Finally, a purchasing case is presented to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of using the approach developed in this research.