隨著台灣中小企業不斷的成長,愈來愈多的企業走向成立子公司以掌握關鍵零組件(key component)。子公司成立的目的是為了讓總公司不受限於關鍵零組件的限制,讓整體運作能更加順暢。然而這些子公司為了業績,只好自己去接單,漸漸地總公司便無法掌握子公司的產能與物料狀況。這是台灣中小企業的特性,也是一大隱憂。在實務上,有人提出了營運中心的概念:以總公司為營運中心,當顧客訂單進入時,可以快速決定給哪個廠區生產是最快、最好、最快達交,並能控制交期與價格,快速回應資訊給顧客等。 然而「營運中心」的概念在落實時卻會遇到沒有參考模式的困難,有鑑於此,本研究提出應用於台灣電子業之供應鏈上下游同步規劃的參考模式。藉由本研究提出的參考模式,將能使得企業與企業間同步規劃從策略面走向實際可行的實質面。本研究提出之模式的範圍包含了從顧客下長期預測訂單開始,到顧客下正式訂單的整體處理邏輯。值得一提的是,當顧客下長期預測訂單時,本研究將預測訂單視為虛擬訂單,採用了「詳細的排程」來衡量產能,接著推論出長交期物料的需求計劃。而當顧客下正式訂單時,本研究會刪除掉原先的虛擬訂單(為了釋放產能),接著進行重新排程,繼而推論得到所有物料的需求計劃。最後,本研究以案例探討方式,說明本模式如何應用於台灣之電子業。 In Taiwan, many enterprises establish subsidiary companies to control its key components. However the subsidiary companies usually need to seek the other orders for utilizing the capacity, this situation cause the enterprise very difficult to control the capacity planning and material planning of the subsidiary company. To solve this problem, the idea of operation center is promoted. The objective of this research is to propose a synchronous planning model between up-stream and down-stream manufacturers in the supply chain of electronics industry. When the customer sent a forecast order, the model will frist treat it as a virtual order and apply “detail scheduling” mechanism to measure capacity, then plan its corresponding material requirements. When the customer sent a formal order, the model will frist delete the virtual order assigned before, then re-schedule and plan the material requirements. Finally, a case study is presented to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of using the reference model developed in the research.