近年來,製造業為了應付快速變動的市場發展出了Holonic Manufacture System(HMS)。它是種具有高度分散式的製造系統架構。系統中稱做Holon的個體具有自主性與合作性,能夠快速處理運作狀況中可能發生的變動。 現今的醫療產業,因為面臨到經營上的困境,必須重新檢視整個醫療過程,以藉此發現醫療行為中不必要的浪費,而來提高有限資源之使用率。 因此本研究的重點在於將HMS的架構概念導入醫療產業內,配合醫療產業本身所具有的特性,建立出一套適合醫療產業的資源控制架構。提供醫院管理者進行資源分配的機會。最後,本研究以剖腹產及自然產兩流程為例,驗證本研究所提之架構的可行性。 Call upon to the quick change and diverse environment, Holonic Manufacturing System(HMS) has been proposed as a new framework to be the future manufacturing system. The basic idea in HMS is that each holon can organize, request, and response in an autonomous way and end up with the results in a highly cooperative notion. The nature of hospital management is similar to the highly distributed system in manufacture regime. And, due to the NHI design, each hospital dose face with the tough cost management issue. Starting with clinical pathway, the type of resource could be assigned preliminarily. However, the assignment of the particular resource has to be done along with the pathway. How to accurately log the utilization of each medical resource (e.g. medical doctors, operating room, patient beds and nurse)and rearrange the resource in order to achieve the better utilization and thus decreasing the operation cost is the main thesis of this research. In this research, we have developed a HMS based system analysis framework. And, a simulation model, based on the real data, is constructed to verify the application of this approach.