Abstract: | 摘要 色彩除影響人的生理及心理反應外,還具有傳達訊息與呈現意象的功能。一般色彩心理多著重於色彩的情感及聯想研究,但將上述研究應用於色彩計劃,進而改變環境的個性或氣氛的例子目前為止在國內仍未多見。環境的色彩計劃常用色彩調和的方式呈現,雖可達到整體環境的協調,但若能進一步表達出環境意象,則該環境呈現將更具有特色,而色彩計劃的實行也更有意義。林區〈Kevin Lynch〉曾在其著作裡提及都市中可供意象的五種形式〈邊緣、地域、節點、街道及地標〉,其論點著重於形態的探討,對於色彩方面則未加重視。本研究試圖從色彩心理的觀點,將色彩對人產生的心理反應,用於色彩計劃並呈現地方特色,找出另一種表達城市意象的可能方式。 在調查地點方面,車站提供都市居民一個記憶的場所,同時也是歷史的記號及都市的對外入口。本研究選擇的地區為中正路自台中車站至綠川一帶,希望對目前當地紛亂的環境色彩進行檢討,進而提出改進的看法。 在研究結果方面,本研究藉由問卷調查,發現受訪者評估環境主要是由「特徵因素」、「美感因素」及「情境因素」所共同影響,而台中市在改進環境色彩方面,除了硬體設施的現況,還包括地方特性呈現、居民氣質的整體提昇與規範方針的修正等。比色調查發現,調查區域內建築物色相為YR至Y之間,明度6至9,彩度2至6;地面色相為R至GY之間及無彩色,明度5至9,彩度2至5;招牌及覆蓋物的色相則分佈零散,無統一感,偏中高明度、中高彩度色彩。因此本研究亦針對政府、企業、學界、地方執行單位、招牌業者及設計規劃者等方面提出日後環境色彩規劃之建議,期待本研究的結果能提供環境色彩計劃時更多方面的考量。 Abstract The color not only influences on physiology and psychology, but also has functions of communication and presented image. General color psychology researches always focus on the emotion and associability of color; applying the research in a colors planning and trying to change the environment character or ambiance isn’t popular in internal academic circles. The colors planning of environment is always presented with colors harmonizing theory. Although the whole environment can be harmonized by this way, the research presents the image of environment and makes the environment more characteristic the application of color planning would have more significance. Mr. Lynch had presented five styles (Edge, Area, Node, Street, Landmark) for image definition, which focus on the discussion of object form more than the color influence. We try to apply the psychological reaction of color to the colors planning from the point of color psychology and present the character of this area and find out an approach to present the image of color. In the area of our research, Taichung station provides a memorial place for Taichung civil. It also is a sign of history and an entrance of Taichung. The selection area of our research is 中正路 from Taichung Station to 綠川. We will discuss the confusing color of environment than provide an improving approach. In the aspect of research result, by the questionnaire investigate result, we find when the civil examine the environment will be influenced by character factor, aesthetic factor and ambiance factor. In the environment colors of Taichung improving, we not only focus on the facilities of environment, but the presentation of environment character, the promoting the civil temperament and the correcting of standard, etc. In the investigate of color comparison, we find that the building Hues in out research area between YR and Y; Values is between 6 and 9; Intensity is between 2 and 6. The Hues of ground is between R and GY; Values is between 5 and 9; Intensity is between 2 and 5. The most colors of signboard and cover object are confused, not harmonization. The color of them is medium or high values and intensity. So this research would provide suggestion of environment colors planning for government, enterprise, academic circles and executing department. We wish this paper’s result could provide more aspects of thinking in environment colors planning. |