Abstract: | 台南臨水夫人廟是一間地方性的特殊小廟,主要祭祀的神祇是一位極具神力的女神--臨水夫人,專門守護幼小的兒童以及懷孕的婦女,是一座婦女廟. 台南臨水夫人廟建造於乾隆年間,剛開始的時候只是一間簡單的草庵, 經過幾次的修建與重建之後,現在是一座富麗堂皇的RC造建築. 我們很想知道等臨水夫人廟下次再建的時候會是什麼樣的面貌. 我試著從下列三個方向尋找重建的方法 1)擷取傳統空間的精神 萃取傳統空間的精華塑造神聖的空間 2)未來對寺廟的期望 展望未來.讓小孩與所有的婦女們有所依歸:在心靈上有廟的保佑,在心理上有婦幼庇護所的介護,藉由一座完整的婦幼中心彰顯臨水夫人廟的精神. 3)詮釋廟宇符號 最後,從許慎的造字法則”六書”中提出一套轉化廟宇符號的設計準則,並依著這六種設計方法設計出下一個臨水夫人廟. 我們將樂於看見一個順從現代材料與構造,並有著新宗教精神的現代臨水夫人廟 . Lin-Shui-Fu-Ren Temple’s primary deity “Lin-Shui-Fu-Ren,” is of regional importance as the powerful god who protects the children and the pregnants. At the beginning, during the Cheng-Lung Emperor, Chin Dynasty, Lin-Shui-Fu-Ren Temple was only a thatched construction. Nowadays, it becomes a gorgeous RC building. We would like to know what the temple looks like in the future. According to the essence of traditional architecture, I tried to analyze and progress this design followed the points of view as below, 1)“Learn from the past”- use the essence that extracts from the traditional buildings as the element to reconstruct the sacred space. 2)“Look for the future”- set a Women and Children’s Center that provide as a shelter where takes care of mothers and kids to fit the physiological needs. Therefore, women will not only get mental comfort from the temple, but also the physiological protection. 3)“Transform the symbol of temples”- use the traditional Chinese methods of making Chinese characters- Liu-shu as a transformation rule to design a new temple. We would love to see a new Lin-Shui-Fu-Ren Temple reconstructed under the obedience of modern materials and construct ways, furthermore, the temple will declare a new spirit of it. |