Abstract: | 台中市七期重劃區是近年來該市第一個實施容積率管制的新市區,在成長管理開發總量限制的理念下,不僅包含新市政中心專用區願景的未來發展備受矚目,而其周邊所提供的大量住宅區,特別是規定「獨戶或雙併」使用的住一用地,亦為新市區住宅開發過程中具有重要指標意義的都市空間現象。 本研究即針對此類型住一用地開發所出現的特殊空間現象,審視其特定住宅類型的空間意義,以及整體新市區居住環境品質的特殊性,發現研究對象在公、私領域環境脈絡,法令與市場趨勢方面呈現出不少殊堪玩味的空間議題,與過去的類似住宅不盡相同,實有待研究者進一步說明分析,並加以釐清其與整體大環境關係的必要。因此在盤根錯節的空間表象之下,為循序漸進說明本研究的研究焦點,及其相關議題在巨觀與微觀兩方面的相關性,本論文的寫作方式將從台灣都市發展的大環境變動談起,兼論其中住宅開發的角色與時代的脈動影響,並逐漸切入研究本身的對象、範圍的確立等,然後才開始由大至小,依序探討研究對象本身的空間特性與詳細內容,最後再回歸到整體大環境的討論,以期成為一見微知著並首尾相連的論述形式。 第一章的內容,係以都市發展下的成長管理策略為始,敘述都市空間與低密度住宅的相關研究動機目的,並針對台中市新市區的低密度住宅及其環境涵構作為研究內容與課題。 第二章則兼以整合性與即時性文獻回顧的成果,在研究設計中訂定理論架構,說明研究範圍與對象,以及研究流程與研究資料的蒐集方式。 第三章則將蒐集所得研究對象資料加以分類與分析比較,以案例的基地、配置、戶數、空間架構、單元規模及平面等由大至小的尺度,描述研究對象呈現於時間與區位等方面的空間特性。 第四章則以回溯的方式,由土地、規劃、銷售與使用管理等層面,進一步深入比較釐清其空間形成的過程,並說明「常態」與「非常態」型案例空間特性的形成因素,且得知開發模式對案例空間特性的影響,最後再以環境涵構的公、私關係說明整體「獨棟別墅」現象的脈絡。 第五章則以前述研究成果,提出對於研究對象的檢討、結論與建議。 關鍵字:獨棟別墅、容積率管制、七期重劃區、台中市 Because of the growing control concept , the 7th land consolidation area is the first new urban district to carry out FAR in Taichung city. Except for the New Taicung Government City Hall area , the large residential area also catch everyone''''s attention, especially the "Single House" and "Single-Family Semidetached House". This is a study to be directed against such kind of particular space phenomenon, including specific house typology and residential environmental quality. In order to verify the research necessary different from the past similar housing study, this study also focus the discussion issue on the urban-space context between the public and the private profession including policy and market. As a result of the complex of complete space phenomenon, the writing process for making clearly a description of the research points and the relation between causes and effects , that discuss the environmental variation in view of housing significance and tendency to change of Taiwan urban space development, describe the research cases and area through space characteristics from big to small scales, and the matter of environmental context. The beginning of contents of Chapter 1 are growing management for urban development. This discussion is describing research motives, and low density housing and space context in Taichung new urban district. The contents of Chapter 2 are diverse literature and instant archive review in order to set up research design including theory framing, target area, research sequence, collecting method of cases data. The contents of Chapter 3 are classification and analysis of case space characteristic including site, planning, unit counts, community space frame, unit capacity and floor plan in time and location context. To look back upon the space characteristic , the contents of Chapter 4 discuss the factors of lot, planning, selling and using. according to compare their formational process, all cases can be divided into normality and others type to realize the influence of building process to space and single house community phenomenon in environment context. The last contents of chapter 5 are review, conclusion and suggestion from research achievements. Keywords : single house, characteristic ,consolidation, FAR, capacity, Taichung |