自二十世紀資訊革命以來資訊科技正如火如荼地被運用於製造業如電 腦整合製造系統與物料自動搬運系統.服務業近年來蓬勃發展為提昇作業 效率也陸續引入資訊科技如銀行的自動櫃員機與航空公司的訂位系統.近 年來由於經濟快速成長社會型態變遷國民所得提高婦女就業率上昇及人口 結構與民眾生活飲食習慣的改變導致日益增加的外食機會與外食人口.根 據國立中興大學運銷學系所作的「台灣地區糧食消費調查」資料推估民 國80年台灣地區外食市場約達1249億元.由此可知台灣外食市場極具發展 潛力. 傳統上餐飲服務業的作業程序與管理工作非常繁瑣所需的時間 與投入之人力物力均相當龐大屬於高度勞力密集的產業.在經營者眾且競 爭激烈的情況下消費者對方便性與時效性要求日增消費者不僅為填飽肚子 更進而要求更高品質與服務等方面的滿足使得「生產導向」的餐飲業已逐 漸轉變成為「消費者導向」的服務業.為了降低成本與提昇服務品質如何 以現代化經營理念結合各種資訊科技提高餐飲服務業作業的效率與競爭力 已成為不容忽視之課題. 本研究乃透過分析傳統作業流程將餐飲 作業分為銷售期前銷售期中與銷售期後.此三階段結合資訊科技後建構管 理資訊系統之雛型此系統中包含四大子系統: 菜單規劃系統、採購與庫存 管理系統、點菜與食物製備系統、銷售點情報與財務資訊系統.經由資訊 科技之引入將使作業流程產生變革帶來新秩序與新的工作方法.因此本研 究將探討引入管理資訊系統對餐飲服務業作業流程之改造期能對業者在引 入資訊科技時給予適當的建議將對餐飲服務業的管理工作及其服務品質提 昇有所貢獻. Information Technology(IT) has been used in manufacturing industry, as well as in service industry. Recently, because of economic growing rapidly and changing of our society, food service industry in Taiwan gas been transformed from the place where only offer food and beverge to the combination of food manufacturing and cosyomer service. So the IT is an important issue in food service industry. The main purpose of this study is to creating a prototype of Management Information System for the food service industry, the system concists of four subsystems : Menu Planning Subsystem, Purchasing and Inventory Management Subsystem, Ordering and Food Preparation Subsystem, Point of Sale and Financial Information Subsystem. The system would affect almost everyone who worked at the restaurant and provide better control of all restaurant operations and give better customer services as well. Start with customer''s order and end up with the bill, the whole procedure is highly automatically, and the sale statistics would be easy to maintain at the same time. By using of this system, the competitive ability of this business can be enhanced.