豬血漿中的Transglutaminase (TGase) 經36%(NH4)2SO4純化後之粗酵素液,經由thrombin活化,在37℃下最佳反應時間為30∼50分,最適溫度及pH為55℃與8.5,經由試驗,16%(NH4)2SO4沈澱之粗酵素(比活性6.63)對於重組豬排之催化效應遠大於20%(NH4)2SO4沈澱之粗酵素(比活性1.67)。以16%(NH4)2SO4沈澱轉麩胺酸?原用於肉製品性質改善的添加,每1公升的血漿?原可用於10公斤重組豬排的製作。將16%(NH4)2SO4沈澱粗酵素粉末與0.05%氯化鈉與0.05%三磷酸鈉混合添加,可促進重組豬排硬度、凝結力、彈性與拉力強度,並使重組豬排保有一般的L值、a值以及較高的b值.在低鹽肉製品方面,添加0.9%氯化鈉與16%(NH4)2SO4沈澱之粗酵素液於低鹽貢丸中可增加製品之彈性;若將16%(NH4)2SO4沈澱之粗酵素液粉末與1.5%氯化鈉加入類Kamaboko製品中,亦可增加產品之破碎強度、硬度、凝結力與彈性,此外,在凍膠肉膠體中添加16%(NH4)2SO4沈澱粗酵素粉末與1%乾酪素鈉 (sodium caseinate),也可增加製品膠體強度,提高製品之彈性與破碎強度,並降低動物膠(gelatin)使用量,減少因壓制動物膠帶來之不良風味而添加之調味料。 The transglutaminase (TGase) has been isolated and purified by ammomium sulfate fractionation and heating.The TGase from 36% ammonium sulfate fractionation has to be activated by trypsin hydrolysis or thrombin digestion. It took 30∼50 mins to get TGase fully activated.The optimal temperature and pH for activity have been found to be 55℃ and 8.5 respectively. TGase from 16% ammonium sulfate fractionation showed specific activity 6.63unit/mg protein and 41% recovery. This TGase was uesd for the restructured meat products in following studues. TGase of 16% ammonium sulfate fractionation from 1 liter pig serum could be used to produce 10Kg restructured pork steak. From the study of model system, it was found that combined addition of TGase, 0.05% sodium chloride and 0.05% sodium tripolyphosphate will enhance cohesiveness, tensile strength and breaking strength of meat products. TGase could be used to prepare low-sodium products such as chinese meat ball and Kamaboko-like product to improve its rheological properties of binding and cohesiveness due to its crosslinking ability. Addition of TGase in gelatin meat product formula will spare the amount of gelatin and reduce its off-flavor imparted by gelatin.