梅納反應產物 (Maillard reaction products,MRPs)可抑制氧化酸敗的發生。本研究製備三種不同的MRPs,分別為:(a)色胺酸-木糖(trp-xyl) (b)卵白蛋白水解物-葡萄糖(EA-glc) (c)大豆分離蛋白水解物-木糖(SP-xyl)。以AOA法測試其抗氧化活性,發現trp-xyl的抗氧化活性最好,其AOA值高達1.003,再來依次為EA-glc、SP-xyl,其AOA值分別為0.945、0.874;將此三種MRPs運用於豬肉餅中,經烹調及儲藏,測試其回溫味之抑制作用。以TBA測試,結果顯示trp-xyl之TBA值最低,即抗氧化活性最佳,再來依序為SP-xyl、EA-glc。在評估風味及接受性方面,經官能評估結果以SP-xyl的接受性最高。 Maillard reaction products(MRPs) can inhibit the development of oxidative rancidity.The project includes :Three kind of MRPs were prepared and tested their antioxidative activity in linoleic acid model system. The MRPs were trptophan-xylose,egg albumin hydrolysate-glucose and isolated soy protein hydrolysate-xylose. Showed their AOA value 1.003, 0.945 and 0.874 respectively. Then the MRPs were added to pork patties prior to cooking except for the control, which contained only distilled water. Cooked patties were storaged in refrigerator for evaluation of oxidation. The development of oxidative rancidity was measured by TBA test .The TBA values of pork patties with tryptophan-xylose MRPs added was lowest among treatments and control. Sensory evaluation of cooked patties showed that the acceptbility of isolated soy protein-xylose MRPs addition was the best.