國內電子資料交換推廣至今已有10年的時間,輔導的產業中也有成功的案例,相較於其他產業在食品產業推廣的情形就顯得相當的不理想。因此,本研究乃針對國內食品產業之大型廠商,依據效益層面、環境層面、系統層面及組織層面四個層面進行EDI採行意願的調查與探討,同時也去瞭解目前食品產業的資訊體系現況。 問卷資料之分析與檢定主要採用多變量分析之因素分析、LOGISTIC迴歸分析及卡方檢定。由分析之結果得知:食品企業資訊系統在EDI上,可將目前國內食品企業之資訊系統分為第一階段─創始階段、第二階段─資訊延伸階段、第三階段─資訊標準化階段及第四階段─企業整合階段等四個階段。而在影響EDI採行意願,在效益層面影響的因素包括:增加企業競爭優勢及提高交易效率。在環境層面影響的因素包括:產業間的競爭壓力、EDI業者促銷的程度及電子文件具有法律效力。在系統層面影響的因素包括:能使用原有的傳訊標準與通訊協定、與相關科技技術整合的程度及EDI的初始投資成本。在組織層面影響的因素包括:企業作業流程已具相當程度標準化及使公司與交易夥伴間的合作關係愈密切。而整體的評估中,影響採行意願的因素包括:效益層面與系統層面,而其他兩層面因EDI應用的普及性尚不足之關係而表現並不顯著。 Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) has been promoted for more than ten years in Taiwan, and there are many success cases in some industries. In comparison with other industries, the performance of promoting EDI in food industry does not very successful. The purpose of this research was to identify success factors of EDI implementation and the willingness of using EDI technology on food industry in Taiwan. The study use factor analysis, LOGISTIC regression and Chi-square test to analysis the study of 90 Taiwan food large enterprises questionnaire data. The study found that system of EDI in food industry can be divided by initial, extension, standardization and integration four stages. On the influence of willingness to use EDI, the benefit factors included the increase enterprise competitive advantage and increase the efficiency of trade between enterprises. The environment factors included competitive pressure from other companies, the promotion from EDI vendor and electronic document legal status. The system factors included using existing transmittable standard and protocol, integrated degree with other technology and initial investment cost of EDI. The organization factors only concerned about the standardized of business operative process and the cooperation of their partners. Nevertheless, the overall evaluation, only benefit and system have significant effect.