花色素?係為重要之植物色素,廣泛存於植物體當中,為各種植物顏色(紅、紫、紫紅)之主要來源,因對人體無害,所以具有良好的開發潛力。但因結構複雜,安定性容易受到pH、高溫、氧氣、光和維生素丙之影響。因此,針對紫蕪所存在的花色素?進行結構鑑定。 利用高效率液相層析(HPLC)分離純化,分離得到三種花色素?,將主要三帶花色素?經光譜吸收分析、質譜分析、濾紙層析及降解產物分析結果,推論其結構為: 化合物一: sinapyl cyanidin 3-sophoroside 5-glucoside 化合物二: feruloyl cyanidin 3-sophoroside 5-glucoside 化合物三: feruloyl, sinapyl cyanidin 3-sophoroside 5-glucoside 此三化合物結構亦存在於紅高麗菜中,藉此可鑑別兩種作物間的種源關係。 Anthocyanins are water-soluble and among the most important group of plant pigment. Because of its safety for human consumption they are highly desirable substitute for synthetic red colorants which have been banned by regulatory action. The study was conducted to identify the anthocyanins in Purple vienna (Brassica Oleracea) . three anthocyanins from Purple vienna were separated by HPLC. Based on absorption spectral analysis,mass spectrometry analysis , paper chromatography and instrumental analysis of the degradated products analysis , the structure of antocyanins from Purple vienna were tentatively concluded to be: compoundⅠ: sinapyl cyanidin 3-sophoroside 5-glucoside. compoundⅡ: feruloyl cyanidin 3-sophoroside 5-glucoside. compoundⅢ: feruloyl ,sinapyl cyanidin 3-sophoroside 5-glucoside. These three band also found in red cabbage. The results has been compared with those anthocyanins from red cabbage published to find the relationship between them.