摘 要 景觀生態學主要探討鑲嵌塊效應的空間結構特性對廣泛生態問題的影響。因此,眾多保育生物學與資源管理問題的領域與課題,都與土地使用有關,且顯示出景觀生態學的重要性。儘管如此,雖然景觀生態學已發展出許多廣泛性、通則性理論,但是對於物種在景觀中,從微景觀尺度下的環境資源面到景觀尺度下的景觀結構對物種之影響的整體機制相關研究卻不多。因此,本研究以細蝶(Acraea issoria)為例子,探討景觀尺度與微景觀尺度下對細蝶在溪頭景觀中分佈影響之因素,進而預測其出現機率與數量(以密度表示)。主要研究課題如下: 一、探討景觀尺度下,影響細蝶在嵌塊體中存在與否之因素。 二、探討景觀尺度下,影響細蝶在嵌塊體中密度水準的因子。 三、探討微景觀尺度下,細蝶在嵌塊體內分佈情形與植群關係。 研究結果顯示,在景觀尺度下可以透過迴歸式的建立,以瞭解影響細蝶在景觀中分佈之因素,並預測出細蝶在嵌塊體中出現的機率與密度。此外,從微景觀尺度下,探討細蝶在嵌塊體內部分佈的情形與植群關係,能更精確的描述出細蝶在嵌塊體內部分佈情形。透過上述兩個尺度之探討與銜接,可以完整的勾勒出細蝶在景觀中分佈模式(從巨觀到微觀),包括影響族群傳遞因子、細蝶生育的環境與空間以及細蝶對植群的依存關係。因此,本研究藉由從巨觀到微觀的順序與研究角度,提供了一個景觀生態與族群生態間的探討模式。 ABSTRACT Effect of spatial structure to mosaic habitats could be interpretated in terms of landscape ecology. Various topics of conservation biology and resource management are relevant to land use which shows the significance of landscape ecology principles. Only very few investigations have been performed in connection with habitat resources and landscape structure both in micro-landscape scale and landscape scale that effecting the “species”. The present study deals with the effect of factors both in landscape scale and micro-landscape on distribution of Acraea issoria in Chitou, and intends to predict the percentage and density of Acraea issoria in the patches as well. Topics of the present study includes: 1.To discuss the factors effecting the distribution of Acraea issoria in the patches within landscape scale. 2.To discuss the factors effecting Acraea issoria density in the patches within landscape scale. 3.To correlate the distribution of Acraea issoria with the plant community inside the patches within micro-landscape scale. The result of present study shows that we can compute distribution of Acraea issoria in landscape and predict the percentage and density of Acraea issoria in the patches within landscape scale by using regression models. Within the micro-landscape, distribution of Acraea issoria could be accurately described inside the patches by correlating the distribution of Acraea issoria with the plant community. In terms of landscape scale (both macro and micro) the distribution of Acraea issoria could be better understood, including factors of species distribution, habitat condition and Acraea issoria growth with plant community. In conclusion, the present study is a case study example in landscape ecology and population ecology both in macro scale and micro scale.