Abstract: | 中文摘要非行兒少機構安置服務是兒童及少年福利服務重要的一環,而社工員是安置服務的執行者,在其服務的過程中充滿了挑戰。有鑑於此,幾個問題頗值得深入探討,例如,社工員自我的勝任能力是否會影響對專業的付出?其面對風險時,是否會影響其繼續留在社工專業上的付出?因為社工員不同的背景,在對專業付出上是不是有差異?研究者期望瞭解影響非行兒少機構安置服務社工員的勝任感、風險感與專業承諾之間的關係,以及社工員在從事非行兒少機構安置服務時是否會受個人之勝任感與風險感的影響,進而造成離開現職的可能。本研究以「非行兒少機構安置服務社工員之勝任感、風險感與專業承諾關係之研究」為主題,探討社工員之勝任感、風險感與專業承諾彼此間的關係情形,並以公、私立安置輔導機構及縣市政府從事非行兒少機構安置服務的社工員為研究樣本,共發出200份,回收133份,有效問卷121份,回收率為61%。研究摘要如下:一、非行兒少機構安置服務社工員因個人基本變項的不同,對於勝任感、風險感、在專業承諾上呈現差異性。二、非行兒少機構安置服務社工員勝任感與風險感有關聯性:其中自我效能表現與風險意識和風險管理;專業知能、資源運用與風險意識、風險管理,均呈現正相關。三、非行兒少機構安置服務社工員勝任感與專業承諾有關聯性:社工員勝任感與專業承諾,在自我效能表現上、專業知能、資源運用、問題處理,與工作投入、專業成成長、專業成長及留職意願呈相關性。四、非行兒少機構安置服務社工員風險感與專業承諾有關聯性。五、非行兒少機構安置服務社工員勝任感、風險感與專業承諾具有相關性。六、非行兒少機構安置服務社工員個人基本變項對、勝任感、風險感對於專業承諾具有預測性。依據本研究結果,做成以下建議:一、透過專業訓練提昇非行兒少機構安置服務社工員肯定自我及專業知能。二、加強風險辨視與管理策略規劃的能力。三、加強資源運用,有效提昇服務效率。四、提供專業成長的環境,提昇非行兒少機構安置服務社工員專業承諾。關鍵字;非行兒少安置機構、社會工作員、勝任感、風險感、專業承諾 AbstractThe aid provided by delinquent juvenile residential institutions for children and the youth is part of resettlement services. Since the services are full of challenges, several questions are needed to be answered. Will social workers’ sense of self-competence, for example, influence professional commitments? Will they continue to contribute their specialties while confronting risks? With various backgrounds, will social workers make differences in terms of their individual professional commitments? This study aims to understand the impacts on children and adolescents caused by services offered by delinquent juvenile residential institutions by exploring the relationships among social workers’ sense of self-competence, sense of risk, and professional commitment. Besides, due to the difficulties of providing services, the reasons that make social workers leave the current positions will be also examined. This study explores the relationships among sense of competence, sense of risk, and professional commitment of social workers who are serving in delinquent juvenile residential institutions. Samples are composed of social workers in public, private institutions and those in county as well as municipal governments. Two hundred questionnaires are delivered and 133 returned, with 121 valid ones and 61% returning recovery rate.The findings are as follows: 1. due to variations of individual social workers, differences are reflected in their sense of competence, sense of risk, and professional commitment. 2. relationships between sense of competence and sense of risk are observed from social workers in delinquent juvenile residential institutions; professional knowledge, resource employment, consciousness of risk, and management of risk, are positively correlated. 3. in delinquent juvenile residential institutions, social workers’ sense of competence, and professional commitment are correlated; in term of self-effective performance , professional knowledge , resource employment , problem-solving, job involvement , professional development, intention to stay are also correlated. 4. in delinquent juvenile residential institutions, social workers’ sense of risk and professional commitment are correlated. 5. in delinquent juvenile residential institutions, social workers’ sense of competence, sense of risk, and professional commitment are correlated. 6. in delinquent juvenile residential institutions, social workers’ personal variations are predictable while regarding sense of competence, sense of risk, and professional commitment as well.According the results mentioned above, this study suggest:1. through professional training, social workers in delinquent juvenile residential institutions can enhance their self-affirmation and professional knowledge . 2. the necessity to increase the ability of discerning risks and managing strategic planning. 3. the improvement of resource employment so as to make services more efficient. 4. providing the environment for professional development so as to effectuate the professional commitment of social workers in delinquent juvenile residential institutions. Keywords: Delinquent juvenile residential institution, social worker, sense of competence, sense of risk, professional commitment |