高等教育評量資訊系統,針對學生修課情形及個人基本資料進行多元化的評量,提供教學上的參考的輔助,如此機制現仍處於起步階段,運用資訊系統之架構,提供不同的觀點客製化的成績單,這是值得研究的領域。 資訊系統的資料量成長十分驚人,資訊過量的問題發展資訊系統,將得以改善。 本研究裡,以東海資訊工程與科學系所修習的科目,設計WEB環境高等教育客製化評量資訊系統完成多元評量,本研究是屬創新設計,對未來會有很大的發展。 In higher education, a system supplying teachers with different viewpoints of students in order to assess them objectively is necessary and worth developing, yet for long time such an information system is not available to make multi-assessments design and accordingly for planning lessons. The technology of computer is developing fast, and the power to handle and to save information is rising greatly;on the other hand, the information storage capacity and man’s intelligence to handle information is comparatively limited.Therefore, the problem of information overload is inevitably becoming more and more serious. Designing the custom-tailored information system will help solve this problem. This research takes the courses of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tunghai University, as a sample to design a higher education multi-assessments information system under the web environment. This is an innovation system ,and will hopefully contribute in the field of higher education.