本論文設計主要在於呈現一個由兩個不同方向的探索之後,將所得的結果結合而成的建築設計。這兩個方向分別是:一是從城門歷史的探討中延伸出來關於都市邊界、都市效率的朝馬轉運站設計策略-Traffic Field。二是從基地的探討中延伸出來關於都市中心、都市自然的筏子溪河濱公園-Nature Field。設計的過程即嘗試藉由想像力的連結與重組將兩者之間的Program予以拆解與混合以及動線的分離與重疊讓兩者看似對立(邊緣/中心,實體/虛體)的場域混合成一個Fusion Field,並藉由這樣的設計案來討論我論文設計的主題-What city gate could be in Taichung nowadays? For a traditional city which has determinate border, the importance of a gate that formed by the city wall is very clear,no matter in political、military or commercial aspect . It is also a momentous symbol for the passengers and citizens. However,what city gate could be present days when city is no longer having a fixed city wall and organized liquidly now days?And this question will be the theme of my thesis design,therefore my main idea of study will be:1. Study the transformation of city gate from history for the strategy of gate contexture. 2. Study the relationship between Taichung Urban Planning and the site for the potential program of the gate。 Through my research I got two strategies for my project:1. Traffic field;it is about the gate contexture and urban efficiency that comes from my study of city gate history. 2. Nature field;it is about the urban nature strategy (city core as a park)that comes from my study of the site. My final design will merge these two fields(two elements that seem in opposing positions,periphery / city core,substantial / volume)as Fusion field by re-program and re-organized circulation path of the gate facility and park activities. And finally,the value of this thesis design is revealed a another pursuit of the answer about ” What city gate could be in Taichung now days?”