本論文的目的,是利用均相表面擴散吸附模式(Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model,簡稱HSDM)和孔徑表面擴散吸附模式(Pore Surface Diffusion Model,簡稱PSDM)兩種不同理論,來預測不同種類的有機物質以 Freundlich等溫吸附方式或是以Langmuir等溫吸附方式,在填充活性碳( Activated Carbon)的批次式吸附反應器和固定床式吸附反應器中的吸附 現象.並且探討這些吸附物質的質傳參數和等溫吸附參數對HSDM和PSDM兩 吸附模式模擬結果的影響. The main purpose of the thesis is to study the multicomponent adsorption of a batch reactor and a fixed-bed reactor with HSDM and PSDM . A sensitivityanalysis is performed to these models to understand the effect of mass transferparameters and isotherm parameters on the simulation results of HSDM and PSDM .