本研究針在閉環路下利用脈波測試與頻率響應的方法來計算程序控制之執行效益(performance),同時亦可由頻率響應資料來做程序之識別,並求得其近似模式之參數。將設定點脈波變化與程序輸出資料轉換成頻域面資料,可計算程序控制之執行效益,可同時基於最小平方法之目標函數,以Powell (1964)搜索法搜尋,求得程序之參數識別模式。為了驗證本研究方法的可行性,乃針對近年來文獻有關之一些例題作為探討對象,其結果均不錯,且本研究方法亦可在多變數控制系統中使用。 最後本研究將閉環路頻率響應法擴展應用至一放熱反應器中,由研究結果可知閉環路頻率響應法不但可識別出程序之參數模式,亦可同時由程序參數模式求得較佳的控制器調諧參數,且其調諧控制之結果亦 A monitoring procedure incorporating the Fourier transform technique using pulse testing to identify the maximum closed-loop log modulus (Lc,max) is presented in this study. Under an operation of closedloop control, a single pulse test in the set-point is introduced to the system. The closed-loop transients can be numerically translated into frequency response data by Fourier integral transforms, and the Lc,max can easily be calculated using these data. The parameters of a given process model can also be obtained by a least-squares fit in frequency domain using theses data. This technique has also extended to identified a n?n MIMO system using n pulse tests. Simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed technique can yield a reliable Lc,max and be more easily implemented than those available methods in the literature. Furthermore, process identification using the Fourier transforms and optimal PID controller tuning for an open-loop unstable exothermic chemical reactor was also investigated in this study.