實驗與脂肪細胞離體培養實驗,探討鋅對肥胖鼷鼠脂質代謝的影響。動物 D鼷鼠(ob/ob)及正常體重對照鼷鼠(+/?),經由飲水給予鋅處理(100 ppm) 銝△蘆`射1g/kg葡萄糖後的糖耐受性反應變化。脂肪細胞離體培 養實驗則旦儱郥{鼠之脂肪細胞進行培養,觀察培養液中添加鋅與胰島素 處理後,對角戲悛獐v響。肥胖鼷鼠給予鋅處理後,其空腹血糖及空腹血 胰島素濃度較企{鼠降低(空腹血糖:183.6 v.s. 231.8 mg/dl,空腹血胰 島素濃度:629.8 v.s. 1090.1 nM),且有較佳之糖耐反應(glycemic response:妖蛌梐茩M培養液添加鋅處理後,其脂質合成較未經任何處理的 正常鼷鼠脂3756 v.s. 2073堮q素處理肥胖鼷鼠脂肪細胞,其脂質合成較 未經任何處理之肥胖鼷鼠脂肪13 v.s. 9929P肥胖鼷鼠脂肪細胞之脂質分 解無顯著影響。鋅對肥胖鼷鼠具有降低空腹血蝙}耐反應之作用。鋅具有 類胰島素作用,可增加正常鼷鼠脂肪細胞之脂質{鼠 堮q素作用,合併鋅 與胰島素處理,其脂質合成顯著增加。鋅降低肥胖鼷鼠蚺峓齔蝙}耐反應 ,可能是鋅被脂肪組織吸收並增加胰島素作用,吸收葡萄熊痕G。鋅可能 經由增加胰島素作用,而影響肥胖鼷鼠能量代謝的情形。 The effects of zinc treatment (100 ppm, for 8 weeks) on glucosehe alterations of lipogenesis and plasma insulin of geneticallyice and their lean controls (+/?) were examined at 16 weeks of The effects of zinc on lipolysis and lipogenesis with or withoutre examined in adipocytes treated with isoproterenol for inducingith 14C-U-glucose for measuring lipogenesis. Zinc treatment in vivo reduced fasting plasma insulin in ob/obd fasting blood glucose in lean mice(p<0.05). Zinc treatmentlerance to glucose by reducing the glycemic response in ob/obin-like effect of zinc on increased lipogenesis in adipocytes was.05) in lean mice in contrast to that in ob/ob mice, whereas thened zinc and insulin treatment was significant only in ob/obinc did not have any significant effect on lipolysis in adipocytesob or lean mice. Zinc treatment in vivo reduced fasting plasma insulin in ob/obd fasting blood glucose in lean mice(p<0.05). Zinc treatmentlerance to glucose by reducing the glycemic response in ob/obin-like effect of zinc on increased lipogenesis in adipocytes was.05) in lean mice in contrast to that in ob/ob mice, whereas thened zinc and insulin treatment was significant only in ob/obinc did not have any signifi