Abstract: | 自野外抓回安德遜蠅虎成蛛,在實驗室中飼養,將雌蛛產卵孵出的幼蛛, 在20℃、25℃、30℃及室溫四種環境下,觀察其生活史,及溫度對其產生 的影響;並於觀察箱中觀察其捕食、爭鬥、求偶等行為模式。實驗結果顯 示:幼蛛歷經5-6齡成熟,且越往後的齡期發育所需時間越長。;卵期及 後胚期在室溫下各需12天,其餘齡期各約需16至25天,死亡率為62.3%, 雌雄比率(♂:♀)為1.1:1.5;在25℃下各約需19至36天,死亡率 為77.9%,雌雄比率為1: 1.3;20℃下各約需50至60天,死亡率高 達100%,且幼蛛只能發育至4齡;30℃下各約需16至25天,但死亡率也 達90.3%,雌雄比率為2:1。不同月份雌蛛所產的卵有不同的發育速率及 存活率。安德遜蠅虎的行為項目目前已知有20種,其中4種與捕食行為相 關;3種與爭鬥行為相關;12種與求偶行為相關。由結果推論:在野外安 德遜蠅虎可能是以成蛛越冬;而其求偶行為主要是以視覺為主,嗅覺僅於 近距離時方有作用。 Hasarius adansoni from the field are raised first in laboratory codition for acclimation. In order to record the life cycle of Hasarius adansoni and testify temperature effect on the cycle, spiderlings areraised under 20℃, 25℃, 30℃, and room temperature conditions. Predatory, agonistic, and courtship behavior are observed in the observation box. The data show: there are 5-6 stadiums from spiderling to adult, and later statiumsrequire more days for development; under room temperature, egg development andpostembryo development both require 12 days, and the rest statiums require 16-25 days, mortality is 62.3%, sexratio (♂:♀) is 1.1 : 1.5; under 25℃, the rest statiums require 19-36 days, mortality is 77.9%, sex ratio is 1 : 1.3; under 20℃, the rest statiums require 50-65 days, mortality is 100%, and spiderlings can be raised to 4th statium only; under 30℃, the rest statiums require 16-25 days, mortality is 90.3%, sex ratio is 2:1. Eggs from different moths show different development rate and mortality. There are 20 elements of behavior known for Hasarius adansoni, including 4 predatory behavior elements, 3 agonistic behavior elements, 12 courtship behavior elements. The results suggest: in the field, overwintering Hasarius adansoni is the adult; vision plays an important role in courtship behavior while smell is influential only in ahort distance. |