本文描繪臺灣地區毛翅目共27科62屬194種, 其中110種為新種或臺灣新 記錄種。本文中簡要說明毛翅目的奔類特徵、親緣關係的演變以及毛翅目 昆蟲的採集方法。此外,文中也對臺灣地區毛翅目的各科、屬及各種類做 形態及特徵的描繪,此外也提供各科及屬的檢索表以供使用。 Descriptions and illustrations are given for 194 species of Trichoptera from Taiwan, whuch belonging to 27 families, 62 genera. Of thesis species studies, 110 species are new to science or new to Taiwan, 25 spercies have only female or larva specimens, and made their taxonomic situation unclear. In this thesis, taxonomic characters and illustration of each species are provided, and keys for families, genus are also available. In comparison with other countries or regions, Trichoptera species abundance are relatively high in Taiwan. Biogeographical study shows that the genus composition of Trichoptera of Taiwan are mostly like the Indo-China and Oriental region composition.