在經濟全球化以及知識經濟時代的來臨等背景下,加劇了各產業的競爭程度,因此藉由第三方公司的服務來增加自我競爭能力的需求日漸增加,因而帶動了專業服務(Professional Services)產業的重要性。然回顧台灣專業服務產業的現況,大致上呈現大者恆大、小者恆小的情形,且大部份的業務多集中於前幾大之公司,加劇小型公司發展的困難度。因此,本文期藉由探索性個案研究,了解專業服務產業公司/事務所之創業歷程、探討造成台灣專業服務產業現況的影響因素、成長時所遇之困難點,以及源自於該產業與一般產業之不同之處所形成的在管理上之問題與挑戰。而促成管理上困難之原因多來自於該產業獨特的特質,包括專業人員的心理要素、專業人員的管理方針、人材的培育的方式等。最後,並由研究成功成長茁壯之專業服務公司/事務所中,探究其成功成長且擴大的主要因素以及在管理上與一般公司/事務所不同的方針,期可藉此研究帶給有意發展專業服務公司/事務所擴大的創業主,能在創業階段發展一合適的管理與成長模式。 Under the influence of economic globalization and the rising of knowledge-based economy era, the competition among different industries has boomed rapidly, thus, the demand of the third party services which help to improve the self-competitiveness has increased and also brought up the importance of Professional Service Industry. Then examining the current situation of Professional Service Industry in Taiwan, it was developed into a M-shape difference between huge and small-sized enterprise because of that most of business was in charge by few head leading companies and end up with the difficulties for small companies to grow up have increased.The primary goal of this case study is to explore the historical background and entrepreneurship of professional service industry in Taiwan, and its influences. And also exploring the difficulties they have met during developing, and the problems in management which might differ from other industries. The reason comes from the unique characteristic of PSI which includes the psychological factors of each member, the policy they follow, and the methodology of how they train employees. Therefore, the investigation focuses on various successful cases through exploring the main reason of why they succeed and their managing strategies. And finally, hoping this research will be helpful for the entrepreneurs who would like to expand the company or office systematically at the start-up stage.