過去台灣高山田鼠(Microtus kikuchii)的活動範圍和實驗室中行為觀察的研究資料,皆認為其婚配制度應為一夫一妻制。本研究目的乃以野外族群資料和微隨體基因(microsatellite DNA)的證據來確認台灣高山田鼠的婚配型式是否為一夫一妻制,並釐清其性別擴散模式。目前本研究於南投縣海拔3088公尺合歡山4公頃樣區共標記169隻台灣高山田鼠個體 (1615隻次)。從M. montebelli和M. oeconomus設計的微隨體基因引子(microsatellite DNA primer)共發現10組可以用來分析台灣高山田鼠的血緣關係。10組引子皆是多型性,其對偶基因數平均值為14.3 (範圍自8至19)。 The studies of home-range and previous laboratory behavioral observations suggest a monogamous mating system in Microtus kikuchii. The purpose of this study is using microsatellite DNA to confirm it’s monogamy and dispersal patterns of. A total of 1615 captures were collected in a 4-hectare study area at Hehuanshan with 3088 m altitude, Nantou County, Taiwan. Ten microsatellite DNA primers designed for M. montebelli and M. oeconomus were used to analyze parentage of M. kikuchii. Primers were polymorphic; the average number of alleles was 14.3 (range: 8-19).