現代都市逐漸朝向高層化及多樣化的趨勢發展,因此掌握都咫T度空間的品質以呈現良好的都市景觀與風格亦顯得格外重要C由於建築量體乃是組成都市空間形態的主要元素,本文欲意研s建築量體之構成行為,並觀察其與都市空間的互動關係及對視情B景觀等所造成之影響,進而做為改善台灣都市三度空間品質妍臕式C研究的主題在於「都市住宅區建築量形構成」的行為與過程A分析其形式(form,建築量形的外顯特徵)與涵構(contextA影響建築量形構成的因子)兩個層面的內容。同時並建立一組珓活]model ),包括理論架構、操作系統與檢證三個方面之流{,並藉此推斷與預視建築量形與都市空間之間的關係。除了前後的導論與結論之外,本文其中三章在於說明此組模洮堨萿犒L程,同時並以實例作為檢證的對象。第二章「理論架構」部份,探討形式層面與涵構層面的關係A以及對於建築量形構成的影響。第三章「操作系統」是將理論架構置於實質環境之中,同時擰犰a籍條件/建築量形之間的對應座標系統。第四章「樣區選擇及檢證」,則以實例檢證本模型的操作成G,並加以比對與討論。經由上述的研究過程,可以獲致一組地籍條件與都市空間互岋鰜Y之描述系統;用來觀察一般建築物量體開發時,如何受到袺鶷[構因素之影響而構成某種建築類型或都市空間。此外,屬韞奕齙魖謇漸誘g地產景氣因素與歷史涵構,也是影響建築量形c成的另一項重要層面。The modern cities are growing high-rise and variable.t is alsogetting important that controls the qualitiesf 3-D space inorder to show the better scenery and land-cape of urban. Inthis thesis, I intend to study how theass-form of buildingsconstruct the urban form and obser-e the relation between themin Taiwan. The main principle of thesis is "how the mass-formofuildings is constructed in urban" and to analyze the fac-orsof two layers--form and context. Meanwhile, making aodleincluding theory structure, operating system and ex-mining topreview the mass-form of buildings is constru-ted in urbanspace. The modle is made in the middle chap-ers except guideand conclusion, and will examine realase. In chapter 2, "theorystructure", we discuss about theelation of the two layers ofform and context. Meanwhile,lso study that relation how toinfluence the mass-formonstructed. In chapter 3, "operatingsystem", making a corresspondystem to show the relation betweensite factors and bui-ding types. In chapter 4, choosingspecimen site (district) inaichung to constrast and observe forexamining. So we'll get a describe system shows the relation be-ween site factors and urban space to observe "how theass-formof buildings is constructed in urban" with thishesis. Besides,the factors of real estate and history inaiwan are alsoimportant.