在聚丙添加礦物性填充劑的複材系統中,吾人針對填充顆粒的分散度,作 深入的分析後發現,批次式的萬馬力混鍊機,可經混鍊條件的設定,如混 鍊時間、馬達轉速等因素,而獲得較佳的混鍊效果;另外,在連續式的單 螺桿混鍊機中所裝置的分散式的混合元件─Blister ring,對填充顆粒的 粉碎效果並不十分顯著,而分配式的 Dulmage和 Blister ring 與 Pineapple 組合之二種混合方式,顯示出相近的混合效果。此外表面處理 劑的添加,對分散效應也有重大影響,如脂肪酸與 LICA12 的運用,顯然 增加了填充顆粒在複材中的分散程度,因為添加作過表面處理的碳酸鈣之 聚丙烯複材,其顆粒分散程度比添加未處理的碳酸鈣之聚丙烯複材要好, 而且與填充劑顆粒粒徑較無關係。在複材物性的研究中發現到,在吾人的 操作範圍內,填充劑的分散均勻與否,對張力模數和降伏強度二項性質, 較無明顯影響;但張力強度,則會因分散均勻而逐漸增大。此外,添加未 表面處理的碳酸鈣而言,填充濃度的上升,會使張力模數和結晶溫度隨之 上升,但降伏強度、降伏應變、張力強度、斷裂應變及衝擊強度等機械性 質,則會因而下降,熔點也會因而減低;假若填充有表面處理之碳酸鈣, 則會補強若干機械性質。另外,拉伸測試的拉伸速度變大,也使張力模數 與降伏強度、張力強度變大,而降伏應變和斷裂應變則會變小。而填充劑 的形狀,顯然也對機械性質造成影響,即片狀的填充劑比顆粒狀的填充劑 ,較有補強的效果。 Correlation between state of dispersion and mechanical propetries for calcium carbonate filled polypropylene is obtained . We also investigated the effect of various mixing processes on the state of dispersion. By varying the mixing time and the speed of rotation, the batch-type banbury mixer may achieve the optimal mixing of performance. Besides, the Blister ring mixing element of continuous-type single screw extruder breaks the fillers ineffectively. The distributive element-element, have the similar mixing behaviors. The addition of coupling agents, such as fatty acid and LICA12, enhances the dispersion of fillers in polypropylene. Better dispersion was found in the surface modified caclium carbonate filled polypropylene. The tensile modulus and yield stress of filled polypropylene from various mixing elements do not change much because the degrees of dispersion are close; however the tensile strength increases with the degree of dispersion of the fillers. The tensile modulus and crystallization temperature increase with the addition of untreated calcium carbonate, however, yield stress, tensile strength, yield strain, impact strength and even the melting temperature decrease. The addition of treated calvium carbonate improves few mechanical propetries. The tensile modulus and strength increased with testing speed in the tensile test. The yield strain and tensile strain decreased with testing speed. The shape of fillers is also a major factor which influences the mechanical properties of polypropylene better than the special fillers.