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Title: | 台中市Pub進口啤酒消費行為之研究- |
Other Titles: | A Study on The Consumer Behavior of Imported Beer at Pub in Taichung City |
Authors: | 吳秉忠 Wu, Bing Chung |
Contributors: | 王慶富 Wang, Ching-Fu 東海大學食品科學系 |
Keywords: | 啤酒;消費行為;酒吧;生活型態;台中市;情境 beer;consumer behavior;pub;life style;Taichung;product attribute |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2011-06-16T02:26:47Z (UTC)
Abstract: | 本研究以台中市五家pub中之消費者為對象,對於其進口啤酒消費行為進行分析,其結果可作為Pub業者與進口啤酒廠商擬定行銷策略時之參考。本研究以問卷調查方式進行,總計發放問卷250份,回收250份,有效問卷210份(84%),採用卡方檢定、因素分析、單因子變異數分析及多變量變異數分析等方法進行分析,獲得下列主要結論:一、 在Pub消費行為方面,Pub消費者中有41.9%在平常是屬於啤酒重度飲用群,屬於最多比例的飲用群,意即每週五罐以上的啤酒量;而在Pub 內的啤酒飲用量,則以一罐與二到三罐的消費群占最多,分別為32.9%與31.4%;受訪者至Pub消費的頻率群中,以幾乎每天去的占最多比例,有40%;而在Pub消費的動機方面,消費者最受樂團與音樂兩因素的影響,分別為23.3%與21.4%。二、 在Pub消費者對於各種啤酒屬性的重視程度方面,不論何種程度的飲用群,最重視的屬性皆為味道順口,而香味持久與購買便利亦受到相當的重視。三、 根據問卷調查受訪者之生活型態,得出因素構面六項,經命名分別為「健康且積極的生活」、「自主性的人文化追求」、「廣告訊息之依賴」、「社會化之追求傾向」、「品牌誠」、「不安於現有環境狀態」。四、 根據六項生活型態因素之構面,再與其他比較變項作ANOVA及Scheffe檢定後,結果顯示在性別方面,受訪者男性比女性在六項生活型態上有較高的傾向;年齡方面,19~20歲年齡層的pub消費者比23~24歲年齡層在「品牌忠誠」的因素構面上有較大的傾向。19~20歲年齡層的pub消費者比25~30歲年齡層,在「品牌忠誠」的因素構面上有較大的傾向。21~22歲年齡層的pub消費者比23~24歲年齡層,在「社會化之追求傾向」的因素構面上有較大的傾向。21~22歲年齡層的pub消費者比25~30歲年齡層,在「自主性的人文化追求」與「社會化之追求傾向」的因素構面上有較大的傾向。25∼30歲年齡層的pub消費者比30∼35歲年齡層,在「自主性的人文化追求」的因素構面上有較大的傾向。五、 六項因素構面在Pub消費頻率、Pub內啤酒飲用量兩項上的檢定結果大略顯示,Pub消費頻率較高比消費頻率較低的消費群有較偏向「廣告訊息之依賴」的傾向;較高消費頻率相對於較低消費頻率的消費者在「品牌忠誠」上亦顯示較高傾向,然而若相對於「幾乎每天去」Pub的極高頻率消費群而言,其他消費頻率群卻反而顯示出較高傾向的品牌忠誠度。在「Pub內啤酒飲用量」變數上,於pub內飲用啤酒量為「5罐」之族群,顯示出比「1罐」與「2~3罐」、4~5罐」三類飲用量消費群更重視「健康且積極之生活」與「自主性的人文化追求」;相反的卻似乎相對較不重視「品牌忠誠」;而pub內飲用啤酒量為「4~5罐」之族群,大略顯示出比「1罐」與2~3罐」二類飲用量消費群更重視「廣告訊息之依賴」、「品牌忠誠」、「不安於現有環境狀態」;而「2~3罐」相對於「1罐」的Pub內啤酒消費群,較具有品牌忠誠的傾向。六、 在平時的啤酒飲用程度與所得兩項變數上面,重度啤酒飲用者,意即每週5罐啤酒飲用量的消費群,相對於輕度飲用者,意即每週1~2罐的消費較傾向「自主性的人文化追求」。在個所得變數方面,擁有每月十萬元收入之消費群相對於其他收入之消費群,在「健康且積極的生活」、「廣告訊息之依賴」、「社會化之追求傾向」等方面皆顯示出較高的重視程度;而在品牌忠誠度方面,每月所得多於十萬的消費群,比較於「2.5~3.5萬」與1.5~2.5萬」等二類收入族群,顯示出較低程度的傾向。 This study was conducted on consumers at 5 pubs in Taichung City and analyzes their consumer behaviors on imported beer,the results was expected to supply to the pub industries and beer companies during making the marketing strategy.The data obtained from a market survey based on designed questionnaire for 250 consumers at 5 pubs in Taichung City in 1998,all copies of which are returned,and 210(84%) copies are found to be effective . The major findings are as follows:1. 41.9% of pub consumers are "heavy drinkers" which means the people who drink over 5 bottles of beer every week. 31.9% of consumers in pub drink only 1 bottle of beer and 31.4% of them drink 2~3 bottles of beer. 40% of consumers of which went to pub almost everyday and the music (21.4%)and band(23.3%) were the most two attractive reasons make people went to pub.2. Almost all consumers at pub considered that the taste is the most important beer-attribute among the other and another two beer-attributes, "aroma" and "buying convenience" also show the high respect.3. The factor Analysis identified the "life pattern" of the consumers into six dimensions:"healthy and positive life"、"enterprisingly pursuing humanism"、"the dependence on advertising"、"the trend of be socialized"、"brand loyalty"、"uneasily in present environment".4. According to the analyzed results of other variable items (sex, age. etc.) and the six dimensions, we found the tendency in the six life styles dimensions with relative comparisons in sex and age-ranges (19~20,21~22,23~24,25~30,30~35).5. According to the analyzed results of other variable items (frequency to go to Pub, drinking quantity in Pub) and the six dimensions, we found the tendency in the six life styles dimensions with relative comparisons in five different kinds of frequency for going to Pub in a month(almost everyday, five times, 3~4 times, 1~2 times, 1 time or above); and we also found the tendency in the six life styles dimensions with relative comparisons in four different kinds of drinking quantity in every time going to Pub,(over 5 bottles, 4~5 bottles,2~3 bottles, 1 bottle).6. We also analyzed the results of the rest of variable items (beer- drinking quantity in ordinary days, income) and the six dimensions and found the tendency in the six life styles dimensions with relative comparisons in four levels of the quantity of beer drinking in ordinary times (heavy drinker, middle drinker, light drinker, drop drinker) and six quantity levels of month-income(15 thousands NT, 15~25 thousands NT, 25~35 thousands NT, 35~50 thousands NT, 50~100 thousands NT, over 100 thousands NT).-1 -aA Study on The Consumer Behavior of Imported Beer at Pub in Taichung City |
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