因著社會建構??的盛?,外語師資的培訓也逐漸由傳統的輸入模式轉而成為建構模式。這樣的模式也被稱為知?社會建構??;然而從??面轉成實際面需要時間和規劃。隨著教學科技的日新月?,各?域的師資培訓工作者開始探討藉由網?平台?提昇知?社會建構的可?性。本研究乃是基於建構??,?探討為期一?半,藉由三學期融合網?平台於三門英語教學研究所的課程當中;是否可以實踐建構??下的課程目標?本研究將採個案研究的方式,深入?解二十幾位研究生,在?與這些結合網?平台的課程中如何建構他們的知?。主要的質性資??源包括課堂討?的?影、網?平台線上討?的文字記?、問卷以及訪談。以下是本研究要探討的?個問題: 1. ?與學員他們在網?平台線上討?時如何互動?頻?以及?覽時間? 2. ?與學員的互動模式如何透?他們建構個人意義的過程? 3. 在線上討?與面對面討?之間,意義建構的過程有何?同? 4. ?與學員們對於結合網?平台的課程抱持何種態?? 5. 對於?與一?和一學期的學員之間,他們在網?平台呈現出的意義建構模式有何?同? 6. 結合網?平台的實習課程如何提昇學員們從實習中建構知??任何有效?、品質的學習均需要融合學習??、內容安排、以及傳授方法。本研究結果將有助於提昇我們對於融合網?平台,和互動學習以實現社會建構課程目標的?解。本研究也將有助於?解,透過網?平台自主及分配的特性;如何帶出學員們的意義建構。 The view that knowledge is socially constructed has shifted the second/foreign language teacher education from the transmission model to a constructivist stance, which is also labeled as ‘social construction of knowledge’ or ‘constructivism’. Moving from theory to practice, however, takes time and deliberate efforts. With the rise of instructional technology, teacher educators in various fields began to research the potentials of infusing Web-based technology into teacher training programs to facilitate the social construction of knowledge. This research is anchored in a constructivist stance to evaluate the 3-semester process of integrating Web-based technology to fulfill constructivist curricular goals. A case study approach will be employed to gain an in-depth understanding of the knowledge construction process of 20 to 24 student teachers enrolled in TEFL graduate program. Data will be collected qualitatively from multiple sources, including videotapes of face-to-face group discussions, transcripts of WebCT-mediated group discussions, surveys, and interviews, to answer the following research questions: 1. How do the participants interact with each other via Web-based group discussion in terms of frequency and duration of web-browsing sessions? 2. How do the interaction patterns reveal student teachers’ personal construction of meaning? 3. Are there any differences in the process of meaning construction between Web-based and face-to-face group discussion? 4. What are the student teachers’ attitudes toward WebCT-infused courses? 5. Are there any differences between year-long and semester-lone participants in their personal construction of meaning exhibited in WebCT discussion boards? 6. In what ways and to what extent does WebCT contribute to the enhancement of learning knowledge construction from practicum sessions? An effective and quality learning requires an incorporation of appropriate learning theory and paradigms, organization of contents, as well as methods and techniques of delivery. The results of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the ways in which constructivist principles could be realized through WebCT-integrated courses and collaborative activities. This study will also shed new light on how to capitalize on an active and distributive nature of Web-based communication to bring about social construction of meaning among student teachers.