本研究的目的在於透過對台灣、香港與大陸兩岸三地,基督(新)教會信徒宗教認同與信仰內涵的調查,試圖對華人社會基督教徒宗教信仰中的傳統宗教文化與現代性內涵,與其相關的影響因素作一個分析性的瞭解,並且嘗試為建立華人基督教徒宗教性量表,以及單一宗教宗教性量表的建構與執行投下一顆墊腳石。 本研究自二OO六年八月開始執行,並於二OO九年十月底完成「華人基督徒宗教認同與宗教信仰現代代性資料庫」的建置工作。本調查研究的問卷設計共分為五大主題:第一與第五個主題分別為受訪個案的宗教信仰與社經地位背景;第二個主題為受訪個案對基督教保守信仰核心教義的認同程度;第三個主題為個人的基督徒身分與對基督教會的認同;第四個主題包括對傳統宗教文化核心價值與現代性相關內涵的認同程度。本資料庫共蒐集台灣、香港與中國大陸地區基督徒有效問卷資料共三千一百五十八份,其中台灣兩千一百九十一份,香港三百八十份,中國大陸五百八十七份。全部調查資料已建置成SPSS資料格式,並以電子資料庫方式儲存於http://www2.thu.edu.tw/~religion/3.teach-teach%20chao.htm ,國內外學者專家在知會研究者後得下載使用本資料庫之資料。 The purpose of this project is designed to understand the religiosity of Chinese Protestants through conducting a survey of Protestants in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. The researcher is most interested the elements of Chinese traditional religious culture and modernity which embed in religiosity of Chinese Protestants. How do these elements impact on religiosity of Chinese Protestants? Also, this project attempts to lay a stepping-stone for developing the scale of religiosity of Chinese Protestants. This project began to carry out in August of 2006, and finished “The Database of the Religious Identity and Modernity of Chinese Protestant” in Oct of 2009. The questionnaire is consist of five major themes: the first theme is respondents’’ religious background and practice;the second theme tests respondents’’ believing in the orthodoxy of Christian; the third theme tests the strength of Christian identity of respondents; the fourth theme includes scales of the belief of traditional religious culture and the value of modernity; and final theme is respondents’’ SES. 3,158 valid cases are included in the database. Among the 3,158 valid cases, 2,191 cases are collected from Taiwanese Protestants, 380 cases from Hong Kong Protestants, and 587 cases from members of Chinese Protestant Church in China. The database is created as SPSS format and store in http://www2.thu.edu.tw/~religion/3.teach-teach%20chao.htm as an electronic-database. All scholars are welcomed to download the data for analysis after notifying the researcher.