Abstract: | 現代人與道路交通的關係密不可分,交通事故也是現代人無法逃避的夢魘,和諧交通秩序的建立,需要多方面的努力,包括交通工程的規劃、用路人的素質、交通教育、交通執法等等。法律的制訂與社會生活發生何種關連,應該是法律社會學的焦點。法律社會學不能只是依靠文獻的閱讀與概念的分析,而有賴法律實證的經驗調查,故實證研究是本研究計畫的一大特色。本研究嘗試以我國的交通犯罪與交通違規行為之規範分析及其實證研究作為研究重點,並以實證調查的方法研究目前的執行成效。交通違規行為係屬行政罰的性質,主要由道路交通管理處罰條例來規範;交通犯罪行為則為刑事處罰,由刑法來規範,所以完整的交通法制係牽涉行政法、憲法與刑法的跨領域結合。只針對某一個部分探討,難以得到完整的觀點。刑法目前關於交通犯罪的規定計有第183、第184、第185、第185-1、第185-2、第185-3、第185-4 等條文,行政法制方面則是以道路交通管理處罰條例為主,但由於交通法制之相關議題涉及理論與實踐上之諸多面相,需要做長期且較持續的觀察及研究,故本計畫擬分三年來探討(1)第一年:針對交通犯罪與交通違規行為相關現有法規之總論分析(2)第二年:針對與交通法制相關之執行與救濟程序從事廣泛之實證調查(3)第三年:對於矯治交通犯罪與交通違規者應施行之相關配套措施及交通法制之成效及未來,作出總結並提出具體建議。 People in modern days live closely with the traffic, and the traffic accident thus became an inevitable nightmare. The traffic in good order depends on many efforts of various aspects, including the planning of traffic engineering, the qualities of drivers and passersby, the traffic education, and the traffic law enforcement and so on. The relationship between the legislation and the social life may be a very point of the jurisprudential-sociology. The jurisprudential-sociology depends not merely on the documents and conceptions, but also on the empirical investigations which are one of the biggest features of this research plan. This research is attempting to focus on the analysis of internal norms on the Criminal Offense in Traffic, the Traffic Violation against Regulations, and most importantly the relevant empirical investigations by means of which to study the present effects of the law enforcement. The Traffic Violation against Regulations is of administrative penalty which is subject to the Regulations on Road Traffic Governing and Penalties, while the Criminal Offenses in Traffic is otherwise naturally part of the criminal law. Therefore, traffic laws range over the administrative law, the criminal law, and the constitution. There can never be an overall sight without discussing thoroughly. The regulations concerning traffic offenses in the Criminal Law can be found in the ??183, 184, 185, 185-1, 185-2, 185-3, 185-4, etc, while corresponding administrative penalties lie throughout the Regulations on Road Traffic Governing and Penalties. In consideration of that traffic laws are involved in many aspects, both theoretically and practically, and of the necessities for long-term and lasting observations and studies, this plan intends to divide the relevant issues by 3 years. (1) The first year: analyzing generally the relative regulations of traffic offenses and violations. (2) The second year: investigating empirically and broadly the enforcement of the regulations and the following procedure for relief. (3) The third year: concluding and offering suggestions in regard to the interrelated measures to rectify the wrong behaviors of the traffic offenders and violators, and to the prospects and effects of traffic regulations. |