墊基於深度訪談和參與觀察的田野調查方法,本計畫將藉由來台中國無證移民的勞動場域、在台勞動過程中建立的社會網絡和親密關係、於此網絡和關係中表達的情感政治型態、以及往返中台兩地所形構的國境邊區生命情境,以探究無證移民跨境遷移的動機和心路歷程、其在台的勞動狀態如何與諸如都市原住民等等既存臺灣社會中的底層階級人士溝連、且其遷移歷程又是否關乎或影響其在中國原生地區的社會關係和地位。 Based on materials of ethnographic methods including in-depth interviews and participatory observations, this research intends to examine the contours of the Cross-Strait border zones that have been continually demarcated and reconstructed by the in-migrating activities of undocumented immigrants from China. By analyzing the features of the under-class labor market that has at once contained undocumented immigrants and Taiwan』s aborigines, it aims also to highlight the significance of Taiwan』s racial politics. With a study of the cross-border relationships built up by the afore-mentioned subjects, this research project intends as well as to investigate the ways in which an undocumented immigrant may understand his/her citizen』s rights through the politics of affect