Abstract: | 以天然礦物作為製備輕質骨材之原料約從40 年前便開始發展,隨著工商業的發達,輕質骨材需求量大增,台灣地區輕質骨材之來源日益枯竭且生態環境保護日益高漲,利用廢棄物當成輕質骨材之原料頗具潛力。海港淤泥屬經高溫燒結時會釋放出氣體,是一種適合用來作為製備輕質骨材的基本材料。本年度將以海港淤泥為基本材料,在不同溫度下予以燒結發泡,並以各種不同儀器探討其燒結與發泡反應機制,建立最佳操作條件。本年度計畫中所使用之燒結爐為本實驗室自行設計,可程式控制溫度及時間。藉由改變 temperature-time history, 將可更有效開發出良好的發泡/燒結條件。實驗控制參數包括燒結發泡溫度、燒結發泡時間、升溫速率、發泡劑、污泥種類、雜質成份、粒徑分佈等。此外本計畫所使用之儀器包括TGA-FTIR, XRF, XRD, 29Si-SSNMR, SEM/EDX, BET 比表面積, ICP-AES, FAAS, XAS 等。預期在本年度計畫期間能更深入瞭解以海港清淤之淤泥燒製輕質骨材之發泡/燒結機制與建立最佳操作條件。如果能獲得貴會設備費用之補助,本年度之研究計畫擬使用最新型之造粒機以取代舊型之壓錠機,以節省能源,並較能符合實廠運轉之需求,否則將仍沿用本實驗室暨有之壓力型成型機。 Lightweight aggregate has usually been produced from natural mineral since about 40 years ago. Yet because of the gradual decrease in the natural mineral and because of the increasing environmental protection concerns, it is desirable to employ some alternative waste to substitute for the natural mineral. Harbor sediment is a kind of specimen rich in silica. It is well recognized that bloating compounds evolving gas after sintering are suitable additives for manufacturing lightweight aggregate. The sintering reaction will be carried out in a home-made heating unit. This unit can be controlled in temperature-time history. Experimentally controlled parameters include sintering/bloating temperature, heating rate, heating time, bloating additives, types of sediments, flux composition, particle size distribution, etc. The instruments to be used in this study will include TGA-FTIR, XRF, XRD, 29Si-SSNMR, SEM/EDX, BET surface area, ICP-AES, FAAS, XAS, etc. We expect to draw a better understanding towards the mechanisms of preparing lightweight aggregate materials from harbor sediment during this 2008-year project. We intend to utilize a new type of particle forming machine to replace the pressurizer that has been used by our research group. This will save energy in forming the sediment pellets. |