當面臨內外在環境的不確定性,如經濟大蕭條時,企業訂單往往會因此而大幅度下滑,為求得生存,於是在企業內部開始進行各項節約措施,企業常使用的人力資源管理策略,如人力精簡、裁員或無薪假,而歐美國家近年來,紛紛開始運用工作分攤制的方式來取代原本的裁員方式。這項制度需透過勞雇雙方進行溝通達成共識,方得以進行,本研究以Ajzen的計劃行為理論為基礎,探討員工對於參與工作分攤制意圖影響因素。本研究以中部地區292位民營企業員工為研究樣本,進行實證分析,研究發現參與工作分攤制意圖主要受到「態度」、「主觀規範」及「知覺行為控制」三者正向影響,而研究模式中的前置影響因素-利他行為、成員間關係品質、內控型人格皆分別透過態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制的中介作用,進而間接正向影響參與工作分攤制意圖。 The companies decline in the production and sales as the global economy recession. They have to cut down the cost to survive. Downsizing, a layoff, or a no-pay leave is a prevailing human resource management strategy for firms to cope with global economy recession. But there are more and more employers considering the work sharing system to avoid layoffs in Europe or America. Both employers and employees have to reach an agreement in the work sharing system. This research is based on theory of planned behavior and aimed to explore the variables affecting behavioral intention of participating in the work sharing system. Using a structural equation model, data collected from 292 employees of the four firms in the electronic industries in middle Taiwan was used to test all hypotheses. The results are as follows:(1) The “behavioral intention” of participating in the work sharing system is mainly positively influenced by“attitude”, “subjective norm”, and“perceived behavioral control”. (2) The findings show that altruism positively impacts on attitude toward participating in the work sharing system, that team-member exchange relationships positively impact on subjective norm, and that internal locus of control positively impacts on perceived behavioral control. The three antecedents (altruism, team-member exchange relationships, and internal locus of control) indirectly influence behavioral intention of participating in the work sharing system through intermediated variables including attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control respectively.