程式邏輯之功能驗證是非常重要且受許多系統管理者關心的議題,本文重點即在評估以功能方塊圖(FBD)描繪而成之嵌入式控制系統。另能方塊圖是一種圖形化語言,它可用來建構類比訊路的系統邏輯圖,我們的測試環境則是架在符合IEC1131-3標準之Translation 1131軟體系統中。 在本質上,軟體使用測試是先建立軟體使用模式並在統計學基礎下產生實際的測試案例,在使用模式中,以節點來代表使用狀態並以連線代表會觸動使用狀態間轉換的激發動作。以FBD建構而成的系統可以轉換為一個邏輯化的使用模式並據以產生實際的測試案例,在此機制下,隨機產生的測試案例將可達到完整的測試涵蓋率,並決定何時停止測試過程以節省測試的成本。 Unction validation of program logic is important and attentive by lots system mangers. This paper investigates issues on evaluating embedded control systems built by the function block diagram (FBD), which is a kind of graphical language used to create program logic that is analogous to circuit diagrams. Our testing FBD environment is embedded on the Translation 1131 software system with the industry-standard IEC 1131-3 conformance. In this research, software usage testing (SUT) is studied to verify if it is possible to be applied in such domain. Essentially, software usage model is represented as a graph in which the nodes represent usage states and the arcs represent stimuli that cause transitions between usage states. The FBD-primitive application can be transformed into a logical usage model to simulate the real execution scenarios. Based on the usage model, test cases can be randomly generated with the purpose of achieving complete test coverage and we may then punitively determine when to stop the testing process for saving the testing effort.