論文名稱:顧客關係管理應用之研究-以深耕德瑪汶協會為例校所名稱:私立東海大學管理碩士在職專班(研究所)畢業時間:2010年6月 研究生:吳青陽 指導教授:周瑛琪 博士論文摘要:依據產業相異之鑲嵌特性對顧客關係維持的方式與需求有相當的差異,故在顧客關係管理上的探討方面也有其迥異之處。其中相關研究與理論架構明顯顯得缺乏,因此適合採用個案式研究來進行深入的探討。個案式研究的目的主要是在發掘獨特的見解,了解系統於選用評估、執行及驗證成效各階段中,可以去突顯各階段重要關鍵,並提供進一步研究的深度。在進行個案深度分析的規劃工作,首先鎖定個案研究對象及主題,進行分析之用。並藉由文獻理論的整理和回顧,發展出研究的觀念性架構。最後,統整分析所得的結果,配合觀念性架構的基礎,發展出重要的價值提昇模式、獲致結論並提出建議。基於導入顧客關係管理系統對未來競爭力提升的重要性,以及目前對這方面成效及未來應用方向研究的缺乏,本研究將利用研究結果,提供德瑪汶協會建構一基礎為顧客關係管理系統的價值創造模式,在本研究中相關利害關係人學術理論與實務兼備的建議,因此本研究之研究目的係以顧客關係管理系統理論為研究基礎,透過對於顧客關係管理系統技術特質與導入過程之了解,研究在產品策略與行銷活動行為,之間相互搭配所架構之價值創造模式,其本質與過程配置於組織績效之成效影響。 Title of thesis: The Study of Customer Relationship Management Application – A Case Study of DeMaWen Institute Name of Institute: Executive Master of Business Administration Student Name: Ching Yang Wu Advisor Name: Ying-Chyi Chou Abstract: Customer relationship management (CRM) has raised many interests in both academia and practice over the past decade. However, most literature focuses on technology-based or strategy-based customer solutions for enterprises in general. There remains a lacking in industry specific research on this subject. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to develop and provide a CRM strategy for leisure and tourism industry. We first review related literature on CRM definitions, customer satisfaction and service quality, and CRM systems. Next, environment analyses are conducted to identify customer value creation processes in leisure and tourism industry. We then integrate CRM conceptual framework with a case study- DeMaWen Institute from the leisure and tourism industry to test concepts, ideas and results and develop a value creation strategy for the subject case. Our results suggest that a process-based CRM framework, personnel’s trainings and commitments to CRM, a multi-channel marketing and product strategies constitute the success factors in developing a fruitful CRM strategy and implementation.