本研究主要在研究定期輪船公司-阿拉伯聯合輪船公司(United Arab Shipping Co-UASC)加入CKYH(COSCO Line, K-Line,Yang Ming Line,Hanjin Line)策略聯盟後,台灣託運人的反應如何?本研究就顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度和關係品質三項加以分析。在研究中根據顧客的滿意度26項的服務屬性中,託運人對UASC的「業務人員的專業能力」和「班次密集度」滿意程度較高,基於2009年起,定期輪船公司對艙位的縮減和一致性的調漲運費,也相對地讓託運人對「運費的調整能力」和「艙位的取得容易與否」這兩項屬性的滿意程度較低。本研究提供UASC建議為:對UASC忠實的託運人,應該給予特別的安排,特別在運費調幅部份和艙位取得方面的加強,直接提升託運人對UASC定期輪的信賴。 This research empirically evaluates the liner shipping company - UASC(United Arab Shipping Co)joined the CKYH Strategic Alliances, and analyzes the customers’ satisfaction, customer loyalty and relationship quality with liner shipping company. To realize when UASC joined the CKYH ( Cosco Line, K-Line, Yang Ming Line, Hanjin Line)strategic alliance and it is beneficial to share the Taiwan line market more. According to customer satisfaction items, shippers are satisfied for “professional sales’ services” and “more lines service”. During 2009, carriers reduced the lines service and allocation to raise the ocean freight, these motions made shippers disappointed for “ocean freight” and “line spaces”. This research offers the suggestions for UASC are:Specially attend the loyal shippers for freight and space.