論文摘要:中部地區飯店型態眾多,從國際觀光旅館到一般旅館、民宿、汽車旅館不勝枚舉;但若依開業加入時期來區分,則可區分為前、中、近期加入市場的飯店,包括80年代政府獎勵觀光時期成立(超過二十年以上)的觀光飯店,而90年代中期以集團方式進入市場的觀光飯店,以及近期(二年以內)以特定的有限額服務模式加入市場的飯店。本研究主要利用個案研究方法,探討中部地區飯店產業;將不同時期所加入市場的飯店營運分為三個群組,並比較各群組間的營運模式與關鍵成功因素。研究結果顯示如下;1、 群組A:前期進入市場的飯店,在營運模式選擇多半上是以自我品牌建立與管理,以國際性飯店為模仿藍圖經營在地化的銷售。而也因為獨立經營因此在關鍵成功因素上比較重視顧客關係維護。2、 群組B:中期進入市場的飯店,由於多為非觀光業的集團多角化的經營,跨產業的飯店營運,同步建立連鎖概念,因此資本財務規模遂成為該群組公司重視的關鍵成功因素。3、 群組C:近期進入市場的限額型飯店,選擇專業的顧問公司管理,賦予認同與授權,以較高的獲利項目產品精簡營運,利用國際通路客源區隔原有市場,因此公司品牌形象成為本群組公司最注重的成功關鍵因素 Abstract: Hotel industry in Taichung, Taiwan was blooming over the past few years, and there are varieties hotels such as International brand Hotel, Local Chain hotels, Motel and so on launched in this market. Those hotels are categorized by the hotel opening period as following,* Early Stage: the hotels opened in 1980s’ and stay more than 20 years. * Middle Stage: the hotels opened in 1990s’ and invested by the other enterprise who are not original in hospitality.* Latest Stage: the hotel new opened in past two years. The objective to of this research was aimed at studying hotel industry’s business models and key successful factors related to the timing of hotel opening, and how the hotels implement their own business models and select the key successful factor as priority. Three results has been proven as below, 1. Group A: The Full Service hotels in Individual owner and management in the Early Stage into the market. They owned and developed the private hotel brand and business model. Therefore, the Local Guest Relationship is as the priority of key successful factor for this group hotel. 2. Group B: The Full Service hotel in Investment projects by non-hospitality group in the Middle Stage into the market. They owned, developed the private hotel brand and also run in chain management. So the Financial Return and Capitalization would be the most concern as the key successful factor for such group hotel. 3. Group C: The Limited Service hotels and managed by professional Hotel Management Company in the Latest Stage to launch in market. The hotel owner empowers the hotel operation to the Management Company and focus in financial return. These hotels are advantaged in Global network marketing from the Management Company, so the Company & Brand Image would be the first priority of key successful factor.