由於科技技術進步,客戶需求的改變,使得資訊系統整合業營運模式不同以往。上游為了鞏固市場,採取直接面對客戶的策略,以避免市場流失。下游業者以往的上下游的合作模式,轉變成為競爭的模式。由於這一個產業中,各個環節都可以直接面對客戶,來扮演資訊系統整合的主要角色,如何在這樣的一個產業環境下尋求生存之道,是本產業業者的重要課題。本研究利用交易成本的概念,探討資訊系統整合業營運模式,研究顯示對客戶的資訊不對稱或接觸頻率是取得主控權最重要的關鍵因素。由此主控權來影響客戶制定規格,撰寫規格書的主導權。不論資訊系統整合案對客戶的主控權可能在上游或下游,當一方取得主控權時,另一方如果要突破這一個局面,必須採取水平整合的方式,擴大自己的業務領域,降低上游資訊不對稱或下游接觸頻率的影響,才能夠突破主控權的限制。本研究結果,除可提供資訊系統整合業使用之外,亦可以提供其它產業,在面臨專屬品和非標準品整合銷售情況時,參考使用。 The advance of technology and changing needs of customers have shifted the business model of the in System-Integrated industry. To consolidate clients, upstream businesses would often adopt the strategy of directly dealing with clients. Downstream businesses would respond by competing with upstream ones, a move away from their traditional collaborative model. When an industry such as this one where any segment of the industry can directly deal with clients, in order to survive and thrive, businesses must identify the major role of integrating information systems. This research employs the concept of transaction cost, and investigates the operation models of System Integration industry. The results indicate that the key factor to get Control Power lies upon information asymmetry or contact frequencies. This Control Power could either be in the upstream or downstream; when one side has that control power, the other side would need to employ horizontal integration to expand beyond oneâs domain, in order to counter the effects of information asymmetry at upstream businesses or contact frequencies at downstream businesses and breakthrough their limitations. The results indicate that, in addition to the application of research results to the System Integration industry, similar principles could be applied to other industries as well, especially in situations of where marketing integration of idiosyncratic products and non-standardized items are required.