在程校長的大力推動下,原設於農學院下的本系,96學年度起與「建築系」、「工設系」、「美術系」、「音樂系」整合共同成立『創意設計暨藝術學院』,未來努力籌設院博士班,以共享教學及設備資源。此一改革,將使本系教學及研究績效更上一層樓,另為強化景觀學系大學部與研究所的教學,以及系所教師們的研究,民國96年成立「東海大學景觀學系環境及景觀模擬實驗室」(Environmental and Landscape Simulation Laboratory),以提升數位教學品質。特別是電腦繪圖和模擬方面(Computer graphics and simulation),視覺景觀模擬及環境模擬在景觀專業領域內之重要性除突顯本系特色外,亦可配合「創意設計及藝術學院」的成立,以提供對其他相關系所在教學及研究上的支援。
The Landscape Architecture Department was established in 1982 under the College of Science. In 1983, the Department was transferred to the College of Agriculture. The goal of the department is to train students as professionals in landscape architecture. It also emphasizes the importance of planning, design, and solving environmental problems.
In response to the rapid changes in environment and the great need of society, landscape architects increasingly serve not only as landscape designers and planners, but also as advocates of landscape rescue and environment conservation. Landscape architects are called upon to create landscapes that form a harmonious relationship between nature and man – respecting the ecological system while making it suitable for human settlements.
Initially established in 1981 as the Department of Horticulture & Gardening and later renamed in 1989 as the Department of Landscape Architecture. During the period from 1981 to 1990, only the undergraduate Landscape Architecture degree was offered. Since 1991, the Department offers Landscape Architecture degrees both in the undergraduate and graduate levels. In response to the increasing interest in landscape topics, a Certificate program at the graduate level becomes available since 1997 which is targeted toward mid-career professionals and scholars.
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Items for Author "Huang,Y.Y., Hou, J.S. and M.T. Yang."