本研究主要目的探討淨水污泥中SiO2 與Al2O3 含量對輕質骨材製備之影響,故額外添加不同助熔劑 (黏土或廢玻璃粉) 後燒製成輕質骨材。 結果發現,各淨水場污泥在1000~1150oC 下燒製15 分鐘,僅Lin 淨水污泥隨著燒製溫度提高而內部孔隙明顯增大,且外部緻密化效果較顯著,各淨水場污泥燒製成輕骨材後,其顆粒密度介於0.77~2.43 g/cm3,吸水率1.74~44.21 %,抗壓強度112~169.9 kg/cm2。另外,添加助熔劑 (黏土或廢玻璃粉) 可增加試體之燒結效果,其輕骨材顆粒密度分別為0.89~2.54 g/cm3 及0.37~2.01 g/cm3,吸水率分別為7.89~26.20%及5.74~27.35 %,抗壓強度106.6~198.8 kg/cm2 及108.4~124.7 kg/cm2,且隨著廢玻璃粉/汙泥比例提高至100/100 時,試體外部緻密化效果較顯著,且M-TCLP測試,所有試體重金屬溶出濃度皆符合綠建材資源化再利用之標準。 To ease their disposal problems, drinking-water treatment sludge (DWTS) were used as constituents for the preparation of lightweight aggregate (LWA). This study investigates the effect of SiO2 and Al2O3 on the sintering mechanism and characteristics of LWA, Different fluxes, such as clay and waste glass, were added for enhancing the productivity of LWA. Only Lin DWTS has good potential for manufacturing LWA in this study.<br>All DWTS were sintered at temperature between 1000oC and 1150oC for 15 min. These LWAs are characterized with a particle density of 0.77-2.43 g/cm3, a water absorption rate of 1.74-44.21% and a compressive strength were 112-169.9 kgcm-2. In addition, adding appropriate amounts of clay and waste glass could promote the sintering effect during LWA formation. The particle density of LWAs are 0.89-2.54 and 0.37-2.01 g/cm3, respectively. Their corresponding water absorption rates are 7.89-26.20 and 5.74-27.35%. For their compressive strength, they are 106.6-198.8 and 108.4-124.7 kg/cm2, respectively. As the ratio of waste glass/DWTS is 100/100, the resulting LWA has the lowest particle density and water absorption rate. In addition, the results of M-TCLP test meet the Taiwan environmental regulatory requirements, indicating that all LWA are non-hazardous and can be used for green construction reuse.