近幾年來,由於無線通訊技術在軟硬體方面的快速發展,使得即時定位系統已被廣泛的應用於日常生活中,其中又以全球定位系統(Global Position System,GPS)最為成熟普及。然而針對室內定位的應用方面,因為受到建築物遮蔽以及多路徑效應等影響,衛星訊號強度顯得微弱而失去定位上的參考價值,因此利用無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Network)技術來達到室內定位的目的,再次地引起許多學者投入相關的研究與應用,例如無線遠端居家醫療看護與展覽場的自動導覽系統等方面。本文則是以符合 IEEE 802.15.4 標準的 ZigBee 網路無線技術為基礎,根據接收的訊號強度值,以訊號特徵比對(Signal Patent Matching)法作為主要的定位方法,實驗中將針對定位階段之比對樣本的取樣方法進行研究,利用旋轉取樣測位的方式來提升定位的準確度。其地點預測準確度有52%的定位誤差可控制在60公分以下,因此可推斷旋轉取樣測位對小空間的室內定位而言,是較佳的定位訊號取樣方式。 In recent years, due to hardware and software rapidly developed of wireless communication technology, making real-time location systems have been widely used in many applications. However, for indoor positioning applications, as radio signals covered by buildings and other effects of the satellite signal strength, the signals are unstable to apply to indoor location. Nowadays, the wireless sensor network technology implements indoor positioning. This thesis is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard─ZigBee network, we utilize the received signal strength (RSS) value as signal fingerprint, the method is Signal Patent Matching which is the primary method for indoor positioning in this thesis. We also employ rotating sample-measuring to enhance the positioning accuracy and decrease measurement time costs. By the experimental results, our method ─Rotative Sampling Positioning places forecast that the accuracy has 52% position error to be possible to control below 60 cm, therefore we infer Rotative Sampling Positioning is the suitable method in indoor positioning.