傳真在通訊資料傳遞上佔了相當重要位置,在歷經多年的沿革及改良後,其速度及收取資料時,所列印出的文件清晰度有獲得一定程度提升,但在傳真的收發上,卻一直沒有特別進展,究其根源,為其目前主要方式依舊為兩方各準備一台傳真機,但這對於生活於M社會(Mobile Social)現代人而言,是一個非常不方便的工具,本研究則是在於利用現有的基礎建設,導入客製化系統功能開發,直接對於傳真的收、發方式進行改良,並新增使用掃描機的部分,使沒有傳真機的現代人也能使用此功能,並使其符合於現在使用人習慣。在傳真號碼的部分,導入了行動傳真碼(一種來自台灣的新通訊技術,即以電子郵件來接收一般的傳真文件,實現台灣傳真文件全世界都可以收得到的夢想(即fax to e-mail的技術)。 在台灣行動傳真碼目前是以0945或0943為開頭的門號)來讓使用性大大提升,在單機版的程式中,其智慧財產權的防護性相對較低,所以應用了現行技術中常用到的SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)及Web Service的方式進行系統身分的認證,讓一套程式配合帳號後,只能執行於一台電腦上,並採用了網路身分認證及硬體鎖的方式來確保系統及帳號的安全性;在資訊安全部分,其系統所有對外傳輸均加上MD5的加密演算法,使其避免因為資訊外顯,而導致伺服主機遭受到網路攻擊的行為發生,在整個開發的過程,其概念採用敏捷開發(Agile Development)的設計模式來達到快速產出要求,且應用了軟體工程上常用的工具進行分析、設計、開發此系統。 The fax machine plays a significant part in transporting information. After many years, the speed of receiving information and the clarity of documents have improved. The methods of receiving and sending, however, have made little progress. Currently the major prevailing method is to prepare two fax machines on both the receiving and sending sides, which is very inconvenient for modern people living in a Mobile Social society. This study aims at bettering the modes of receiving and sending, with using existing basic constructions and developments of systematic functions made particularly for customers who don’t own a fax. Besides, to fit in with modern people’s using habits, we first import mobile fax code, a new kind of signal for communication made in Taiwan, receiving and sending general documents with e-mails which makes Fax to E-mail possible. The mobile fax code in Taiwan begins with numbers 0945 and 0943. Also, because the protection of the intellectual property rights is relatively lower in this program, SOA and Web Service are both used to recognize system identification so that one program can only be run in a computer with one account. We also use the internet identification and computer hardware lock to insure safety of the system and the account. Regarding safety of information, MD5 encryption calculation is added in all outward transmissions to avoid an internet attack on the computer server. The whole concept of exploitation adopts Agile Development design mode to meet the needs of high speed production, applying tools frequently used in engineering to analyze, design and develop this system