Abstract: | 二次大戰之後伴隨著戰後嬰兒潮、經濟與工業快速發展,人類過度開發地球的自然資源所造成的污染、枯竭,已經引發地球經常產生不正常的自然氣候現象。人類漸漸感受到自己與地球開始承受因為經濟發展所帶來的災害,並且意識到必須更加關心與自己生活直接相關的問題,特別是飲食與生活環境品質的重要性。在現今這股被稱為「綠色經濟」的世界潮流下,關於消費者、社會環境、企業三者間之平衡關係,追求健康與環境永續發展的綠色消費生活型態成為現在的趨勢;為因應此趨勢,企業對於產品研發也朝健康永續的方向進行,同時在經營理念以及產品行銷上也運用了綠色行銷的觀念。 本次研究目的在於探討台灣消費者在食品綠色消費行為傾向的現況,以及消費者對於食品企業綠色行銷的認同度。本研究首先運用集群分析方法將消費者分為三種族群,分別為「遠見群」、「潛力群」、「冷漠群」,並且將之分別與人口統計變數進行交叉分析;其次與LOHAS生活型態進行迴歸分析,以瞭解LOHAS生活型態的那些因素為構成各族群之重要變項。結果顯示遠見群與潛力群大多為女性消費者,冷漠群則為男性消費者,並且三種族群分別在LOHAS生活型態上皆有不同的表現。最後再針對各族群之消費者與食品綠色行銷認同度進行變異數分析,以瞭解各族群在食品企業綠色行銷認同度上是否皆有差異,研究結果發現不同食品綠色消費行為傾向之族群對於食品企業綠色行銷認同度皆達到顯著差異;遠見群比潛力群以及冷漠群較為認同食品企業的綠色行銷作為,並且為綠色食品的優先採用者。本研究結果顯示台灣消費者大多屬於「綠色潛力消費者」,表示在食品購買行為上已有綠色消費的概念,但仍有進步空間;另外,消費者對於食品企業綠色行銷之作為皆有相當高的認同度,表示未來食品企業有機會可以運用綠色行銷概念以針對不同的消費族群擬定行銷策略。 Abstract This study aims to describe and analyze main characteristics of green consumers and their identification toward green marketing strategies of food companies. As humans step into the new millennia era, globalization stimulates rapid growth. Especially, emerging countries which provide essential growth for the global economy, and yet at the same time, utilize natural resources which we once took for granted since the industrial revolution; eventually, we suffered significant climate changes such as global warming and numerous environmental disasters have drawn people’s attentions around the world. The new culture of development is no longer solely based on the traditional economy but on a new economy which based on the combination of the keystone of sustainable development (economic, social, environment). Today, consumers pursued health diet and sustainable living conditions. In order to meet the consumers’ demand and green tendencies, the development of the food companies on managing concept, marketing mode and new product are referred to healthy and sustainable.To begin with, this study utilize cluster analysis, regression analysis, ANOVA(Analysis of Variance) of SPSS (originally, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) the customers divided into three groups, “Visionary greens”, “Maybe greens”, “Hard-core browns”, and then I compared with demographics. In addition, this study is going to figure out the relationship between the LOHAS (Life style of Health and Sustainability) and the green consumers, and differences among the three groups’ identification toward green marketing strategies of food companies. The result is stated that the sex of “Visionary greens” and” Maybe greens” is almost female, while “Hard-core browns” is male. Besides, the green consumers have different representations on LOHAS concepts and different identification toward green marketing strategies of food companies. “Visionary greens” are always the “Early Adopters” of green product and receiving higher scores from the survey of green marketing strategies identification than both ” Maybe greens” and “Hard-core browns”.In conclusion, this study revealed that most of the Taiwanese are belong to the ” Maybe greens”, it indicates that although they already have green consciousness of food purchasing, and even to be “Visionary greens” in foreseeable future. Moreover, the consumers agree with favor on the green marketing of food companies, it means that food companies can utilize the green portfolio strategies toward the consumers who with different characteristics. |