Abstract: | 近年來,運動產業在國民經濟中所佔的地位明顯上升,一個明星運動選手的誕生常常會使一個國家受到全世界的矚目與重視,我國網球選手往往都具備足夠之天賦,但是卻往往因為缺乏訓練資金而無法發揮其能力,最後消失於網球運動之舞台過去的文獻探討大多是從企業對運動選手的角度出發,本研究將以關係行銷的角度來探討我國網球選手與企業之贊助關係,焦點我國未獲得贊助之網球選手如何尋求運動贊助關係,透過各項關係行銷管理活動上的觀點,建立對贊助企業的信任,並建立彼此良好關係的維持,最後達成受到贊助的機會。依據文獻及實務上未獲得贊助之我國網球選手的狀況,建立研究架構,分別就我國網球選手在關係行銷的各項管理活動,包含了關係利益、共享價值及對等溝通,探討我國網球選手如何有效建立對贊助企業的關係承諾及信任,進而產生選手努力、運動職涯行為及合作等贊助結果表現。目的:本研究以關係行銷的角度來探討我國網球選手與企業之贊助關係,透過產業專家的訪談及問卷調查,針對我國未獲得贊助之網球選手發放問卷,共回收312份,利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling)確認網球選手在關係行銷上關鍵的管理活動,並期許有效建立網球選手對贊助企業的信任及關係承諾,進而提升贊助風氣。研究結果如下:1.關係利益負向影響關係承諾;共享價值正向影響關係承諾;對等溝通正向影響信任。2.關係承諾正向影響合作。3.信任正向影響關係承諾、選手的努力及運動職涯行為。 透過本研究之發現與分析,將具體提供我國未獲得贊助之網球選手可透過付出應有的努力和重視與贊助企業的關係,使企業做出相對應的承諾,並且促進選手和企業之間對於運動贊助的價值觀一致,另一方面必須減少對贊助經費、贊助設備等關係利益的高要求,以期有效提升運動贊助績效。關鍵字:運動贊助、關係行銷、運動職涯、網球選手 In recent years, the importance of sport industry in national economy was increasing, and one sport super star’s appearance could make his country to be paid much attention around the world. Our country’s tennis players have good enough tennis potentials but lack of training fund to develop until skills matured then disappeared from the tennis stage.Past literature examined the relationship most from the enterprises’ side, but in this study would examine the relationship from our country’s non-sponsored tennis players’ side. Examining the sponsorship through the perspective of relationship marketing was to establish the trust, good relationship’s maintenance, and finally accomplished the sponsorship results. According to the literature of this study and practical non-sponsored tennis players in our country, established the research construction, it included relationship benefits, shared value and reciprocated communication. Next examined how they efficiently established the trust and relationship commitment with enterprises, and then to result athletes’ effort, sport career behavior and cooperation.By questionnaire survey and interviewing the industry experts, this study surveyed focus on non-sponsored tennis player in our country, totally retrieved 312 questionnaires. Using the structural equation modeling to confirm that tennis players main management activities in relationship marketing, and was expected to establish the trust and relationship commitment from tennis players to enterprises, and finally increased the sponsorship opportunities. Research findings are: 1. Relationship benefits negatively effect relationship commitment; shared value positively effect relationship commitment; reciprocated communication positively effect trust.2. Relationship commitment positively effect cooperation.3. Trust positively effect relationship commitment, athletes’ effort and sport career behavior. This study provides the non-sponsored tennis players in our country could put more efforts and pay much attention to the relationship with the enterprises to make the enterprises reply commitment, and then promote the shared value of sport sponsorship between the athletes and the enterprises. On the other hand, they must decrease the financial support and equipment requests of relationship benefits, in order to expect the sport sponsorship results.Key words: Sport Sponsorship, Relationship Marketing, Sport Career, Tennis Players. |