Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討僕人式領導之具體實踐情形,從質性方法論的角度切入,以深度訪談法作為蒐集資料的方法,採合目標抽樣方式選取具備僕人式領導特質之國小班級導師,探究其特質與行為、班級經營信念及世界觀,並分析其世界觀之型塑歷程及衍生關係。本研究歸納僕人式領導教師共有十二項特質與行為:「樂於傾聽」、「犧牲奉獻」、「重視品格」、「增能賦權」、「放下身段」、「人本關懷」、「治癒心傷」、「主動溝通」、「以關懷維繫師生關係」、「以鼓勵激發學生成長」、「以說服訂定班級常規」、「以耐心處理學生行為」;八項班級經營信念:「展現教育工作的熱忱」、「實踐教育大愛的行為」、「培養學生正確的態度」、「接受時代嶄新的挑戰」、「觀照自我反省的能力」、「塑造高向心力的班級」、「珍視學生的個人價值」、「堅持改變學生的決心」及四項世界觀:「擁抱性善」、「終身學習」、「重視歷程」、「利他無私」。 本研究結果發現,教師若願意自許為僕人,從「心」領導學生,不僅可滿足學生的各種需求,亦能達成教學目標。在班級內,學生受到僕人式領導教師之感染,也成為服務他人的僕人,此種心靈層次的帶領,學生的各方面成長與表現自然令人讚賞。此外,研究者在研究期間,見證僕人式領導教師以生命延續教育使命的感動,回想最初從事本研究的目的,乃提供教育現場的老師們作為班級經營的參考;研究至此,更期盼僕人式領導的理念能夠獲得國小教師之認同與實踐。最後,綜合研究結果,對教育現場的教師以及未來相關研究,提出具體建議。 The study aims to investigate the concrete circumstance of practicing servant leadership based on qualitative methodology. Elementary teachers with servant leadership characteristics were selected by using purposeful sampling and in-depth interview was applied to collect data. Characteristics and behavior, classroom management beliefs and world view and it’s shaping process and derivative relationships were analyzed.The study concludes that teachers with servant leadership have the following twelve characteristics and behaviors: willing to listen, sacrificing, valuing virtue, empowering, coming down off one’s high horse, humanity-caring, healing psychological trauma, communicating actively, maintaining teacher-student relationship with caring, encouraging students’ growth, setting classroom rules by persuading, and managing students’ behaviors with patient; eight class management beliefs: to show enthusiasm for education, to practice great love behavior of education, to nurture students’ right attitudes, to admit the challenge of new era, to inspect the ability of self-reflection, to create the class with high solidarity, to cherish students’ personal values, and to insist the determination of changing students; and four world views: embracing goodness of nature; lifelong learning, valuing progress, and practicing altruism and selfless.The study found if a teacher is willing to regard himself as a servant and lead his students from his “heart”, it not only meets the diverse needs of his students, but also achieve teaching objectives. In the classroom, students leaded and inspired by teachers with servant leadership characteristics become the servant to serve others. Under such a spiritual leadership, all aspects of students’ growth and performance are appreciated. In addition, researcher in research period was moved by teachers with servant leadership characteristics for they extent education mission by their life. The original purpose of engaging in this study is to provide reference for in-service teachers to practice classroom management, of this point; the researcher looks forward that the servant leadership belief can be approved and practiced by elementary teachers. Finally, conclude the study result, the researcher propose concrete recommendations for in-service teachers and further research. |