面臨資訊科技快速發展與全球化的來臨,現今社會已邁入知識經濟時代,知識成了未來企業致勝的利基。知識管理系統被認為可用以協助使用者搜尋並獲取所需要的知識,具有促進知識管理的能力,因此企業為創造以知識為基礎的更多競爭優勢,常以建立知識管理系統來做為推動知識管理的解決方案。本研究以知識基礎觀點結合競合概念,期望透過部門作為研究對象,探討部門間競合活動如何透過知識管理系統的知識處理能力產生對部門效能的影響,並參考相關文獻,建構出本文研究架構,進一步以量化的方式對高科技產業進行實證研究。研究對象以研究對象以目前任職於高科技產業的部門主管為主,採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,總計共發出1000份問卷,有效回收問卷為297份,有效回收率為29.70%。問卷內容詳如附錄所示,共分為跨部門競合量表、知識管理系統能力量表、部門效能量表三個部份,量表信度介於0.917至0.972間,顯示本問卷具有相當可靠性。本研究使用PLS及SPSS對研究架構進行驗證,得知跨部門競合對部門效能與知識管理系統能力具有顯著的影響,並指出當跨部門競合透過知識管理系統為中介,提升知識處理能力時,對部門效能的影響效果最高。揭露了競爭部門中合作能力和程度的重要性,會透過知識管理系統創造更優異的部門效能及表現。最後,本研究期望在學術與實務方面,可做為後續競合關係對知識管理系統能力研究的參考與建議。 Facing the fast developing information technology and globalization, nowadays, society has already entered into the age of knowledge economics; knowledge is the only thing about individual and overall economy. Hence, knowledge becomes the dominancy and competitive advantage. Considering the advantages of searching and acquiring valuable knowledge, Knowledge Management System is commonly defined as technologies that support four Knowledge Management activities. In this research, we select a joint conception of cross-functional coopetition and knowledge-based view, then probe for the influence upon mediated by knowledge management system capability, indicating that department outcomes return to cross-functional coopetition.We develop the research structure by reviewing literatures, afterword, measure the questionnaire tested with department managers from High Technology Industry and analysis the sample data through PLS and SPSS for testify the research structure. We ended up with 297 usable over 1000 information, obtained a 29.7% of the qualified informants. We describe all measures in the Appendix, including cross-functional coopetition, KMS capability and department outcomes. Our questionnaire was confirmed reliable by reliability ranges from 0.917 to 0.972. Find out that cross-functional coopetition enhances department outcomes and knowledge management system capability. Our research shows that influence mediated by knowledge management system capability and reveals the importance of knowledge management system capability illustrating cross-functional coopetition return to department outcomes will achieve greater performance. In conclusion, our research further shows that both the theoretical and empirical suggestions to coopetition and knowledge management system capability.