本設計以舊台中刑務所官舍簇群為對象,試圖尋找歷史建築再利用,新、舊建築共生的新方式:如何保留日式建築與歷史風貌,且能容納現代機能;在全面取代與全面保留之間尋求折衷之道。 The thesis design takes the dorm house cluster to the former Taichung Prison under Japanese rule period as its site, seeking an alternative approach to revitalizing historic buildings and to the coexistence of the old and the new. One of the crucial issues involved is how to define and preserve the historical elements of the Japanese dorm houses in a meaningful way while accomodating modern functions neccessary for the maintenance of the entire new complex.An eclecticism of approaches drawn from known practices as well as theoretical speculations underlies the final results of the architectural design.