張之路的作品很明確地為孩子而寫,為親子共讀而寫。他獨創小說、童話混合的怪誕文體,完美無缺的戲劇手法,或者說是電影運鏡的手法,帶給讀者歡樂、啟發與感動!他處理孩子的生活與校園故事,也毫無阻攔的帶孩子看外在世界,走出「大校園」的格局。故事中表現出強烈求知動機,所有的科幻情節,都可以找到相當合理的科學理論基礎;對社會風氣、制度與學校教育的良窳,也提出批評,表現了「教育者良知」。 除了以教育手段來述說人類良知,更重要的是,故事中流露寬容悲憫的情懷,讓人泫淚,也讓人感覺溫暖。稱作「孩子的守望者」,張之路當之無愧。 Zhang zhi-lu explicitly writes for children and young adults. The writing style he created, blended with fairytales told vividly with dramatic and photographic offects, brings joy and inspiration to our young readers. The stories on school setting bring children to the reality of the world, different from the past stereotyped campus life. The stories depict children with strong motivation for learning. Moreover, his science fictions are based on theory in science. Zhang also gives opinions on social climate, and educational system, and demonstrates his instuition. Most important of all, the stories revealed feelings of sympathy, and touched readers deeply. In conclusion, Zhang deserves to be called "the children's spiritual guardian."