長久以?,對圖書?中照明的關注,幾乎?是以閱覽區中的照明為主,極少研究或有文章?及書架區中的照明?況,這並?代表著書架區的照明沒有問題。相反的,這種問題有時還相當嚴重。本研究計畫對全國較具代表性的書架區進?照明環境和照?的實測工作,企圖從調查中瞭解書架區各種燈具(形式)和安排方式對照明效果的影響,並找出較合?和適用的照明條件,以供?方和設計者在工作上的?考。 In the past, designers and librarians always pay more attentions in the illumination in reading area. The illumination in stacks has ignored for a long time. Few articles and researches discussed the conditions of illumination in stacks let the designers did not view that service as a special and important one for patrons in library. The difference of the layout of lighting fixture in the stack in most libraries became worse than ever. By conducting site surveys, this research intents to find out the real situation and the main reasons which influence those results. The results of this research will offer some guidelines which may help designers to deal with the matter of the arrangement of lighting fixture with other interior conditions for better illumination in the stacks in the future.